Chapter 14. Be safe.

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Wei Tian (ZI) pov.

I stretched my arms while sitting down

"you're not planning on going right?" Yanli asked walking into the room. She looked worried.

"It's my brothers of course I'm going," I told her It seemed to make her more worried.

"Please just stay here and recover," Yanli said making me feel bad for worrying her.

"I just don't want anything bad to happen to them while I'm here resting," I said sighing.

"For me just stay," Yanli said.

"Fine," I said agreeing to stay here and recover. Yanli looked happy about me staying. I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling of something being wrong.

"Oh! Here" I said giving Yanli the Pink Ink stick I has acquired for her.

She looked excited and ran off to use it.

Days Later.

I watched as my brothers left to that damn Wen Clan Lecture.

"Take this "Yanli said as she was loading them up with various items. Making me regret not going with them.

"It'll take us two years to eat all this" Xian said as Yanli loaded them up with more items.

"Li Enough," Uncle Jiang said "The children from Jiang clan of Yunmeng are not so delicate that they cannot face the storm outside"

Yanli walked back over beside uncle and I.

UG! I really should go with them.

"Uncle Jiang do you have anything to give us" Xian asked him.

"What should be given has been given. Hold your sword beside you and keep your creed in heart." Uncle said.

"Attempt the impossible right" Xian said slightly miscivious.

"That doesn't mean making mischief when you are aware of the result" Jiang cheng said to Xian who nudged him.

"Mark my words. Do nothing before you achieve something. So, it is not early. Set off, please." Uncle said.

"Xian-" I started but he cut me off

"Nope you're staying right here where it's safe for you," Xian said making me puff a cheek out at him. He gave me a hug before he and Jiang Cheng got on a boat.

"Be safe you to" I said to them as they set off.

"They'll be back before you know it" Uncle said placing a hand on my shoulder. 

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