Chapter 2

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You arrive at Brightcrown Canyon. Venti is right next to you. "This place is safer", he says. "Try gliding from here a little." He slightly adjusts your glider, his hands are warm. "There you go!" He smiles. There you are again, standing on an edge filled with nerves. It's just a small hill, high enough to glide but low enough to not die. You glance over to Venti and he gives you a reassuring smile. You decide to jump off the little hill and glide until you reach the ground again. It goes pretty well and you start to feel a bit more at ease. The wind isn't as strong as before. And you land with both your feet on the ground. Venti excitedly runs toward you.

"You did great! Want to try a higher place?" You hesitate a bit, but you think you are ready to try it. "Okay!" you say smiling. The boy points to a mountain. "Let's go from up there!" The both of you walk to the mountain and look down. "The wind is nice here." Venti says with his cape fluttering in the wind. You swallow the lump in your throat. "I'm a bit scared-" you mutter taking a step back. "Want me to go with you?" he offers. You nod. Venti grabs your hand and pulls you to the edge. "Jump?" "Yes." Still holding your hand Venti jumps from the mountain, forcing you to go with him. "Yahoo!"

No mistakes this time. Venti's face lights up as you glide through the air. He looks so free and careless when gliding, he seems to become one with the wind. "See? You're a natural! I have never seen someone glide this smoothly on only their third flight!" You are flustered by the compliment. "But my first flight went terrible, I kinda almost died if you weren't there! I can't be that good." Venti smiles. "What you lacked was not talent, but courage." With those words he lets go of your hand, leaving you to fly on your own. But you didn't fall down like a dead bird as you expected. You stay stable and keep control, making use of the wind streams. You are proud. Venti giggles at the sight of you.

You smoothly glide around, but the ground is closer than you thought. You quickly try to put your feet on the ground, but you twist your ankle in the process. "Ow! That hurt-" "Shh, it's okay, I'll bring you back home if you want." Venti smiles. His smile is cute.

You nod. Venti pulls you up and lets you lean on his shoulder. "Where do you live?" You point toward the city in the distance. "I live in mondstadt."

"Okay, I'll bring you there." he says starting to walk in that direction. Slowly you and Venti make your way towards the city, your pace is very slow but with the support of Venti your ankle doesn't hurt. You look over at his face. He looks determined, like this is really important. Or he is just hungry. Maybe both.

The trip home was very long. It felt like you would never get there. Tired you let yourself fall on your bed. Your bed is very nice. Luckily you cleaned your room, so it isn't that big of a mess. Venti sits down beside you and stretches his legs, he seems tired but doesn't complain.

For some reason, you feel nervous. Maybe you should get something to eat for you and Venti. You try to stand up, but you almost forgot your injury. Pain shoots through your leg as you try to put weight on it. "Owwww!" Venti jumps up. "Be careful! Want me to check your ankle?" You mutter a quick yes and Venti kneels down at your feet. He carefully takes off your sock and looks at your twisted ankle. "It looks not that bad, I think you should be able to walk normally tomorrow." he put your sock back on. "You can't walk on your own, it might make it worse, where is your mom?"

"She went to Liyue to buy some stuff, she should get back in two days."

"And you are alone with a twisted ankle the whole time?"

"As long as it isn't healed yet, yes"

Venti sits down on your bed. "I guess I'll be staying here then!" he smiles at you playfully. "If you're okay with that- it doesn't feel right to leave you alone when you can't even walk on your own."

You need to think about that for a moment. You don't really mind him staying here, so you decide to agree with him helping you.

Venti jumps up. "Okay! Let's make some food! I'm hungry."

Just now you notice how hungry you are. Eating would probably be a good idea. But what to eat? "Maybe chicken mushroom skewers?"

"Good idea! Let's go to the kitchen." He helps you stand up and you walk to the kitchen together.

The cooking went well, you and Venti worked together to make a nice meal. You put the plates on the table, and notice Venti going through your cabinets. "You don't have any wine here!? How am I supposed to survive!" he whines. You chuckle. "I don't have wine, I'm not allowed to drink yet! Aren't you too young to drink?" He sits down in his chair with an angry face. "No I'm not! I'm a-" but he hesitates. He was about to say god, but can you know yet? He is scared you might treat him differently if he tells you. You are so nice, he really wants to become friends with you. He decides not to tell you yet, until he is sure you can handle it. It's not every day there is a god in your house. "Yes you are right-" he mutters. "It was just a joke! Ehe-"

You look at him trying to read his expression. What just happened?

You finish the food, it was delicious! You had a nice chat with Venti, and he is going to teach you to glide as soon as your ankle is healed. You are grateful he is here, his kind and positive attitude really cheers you up. You sit on the couch, reading a book. Venti seems to be drowned in thoughts. A yawn escapes your mouth. "Hey Venti, what were you doing at that cliff anyway? Where you saved me." He thinks about it for a moment. "I guess I just felt like it." you smile at his cute answer. His little smile back makes you want to hug him. This random boy on your couch saved your life, just because he felt like it. You give him a hug. "Thank you Venti. I could have been dead now." He pats your head. "Don't worry about it. It would be kinda brutal not to save you right?"

You chuckle as answer, and you feel tired. "I want to go to sleep." you mutter. "Want me to bring you to your room?" he asks. "Yes." you yawn. Venti picks you up bridal style and carries you to your bed. You are almost asleep, but still need to change. "Uhm- can you leave? So I can change?" He nods and quickly leaves the room.

When you are done changing you tell Venti he can come in again and snuggle under your covers. He already put on his pyjamas. You realize something. "Oh no- I don't have a bed for you." you say. "Are you okay with sleeping on the couch?"

Venti grabs a blanket from the floor and sits down in a chair in the corner of your room. "I can just sleep here, so you can wake me if you need something!"

You smile. "Okay good. Thanks again Venti."

"No problem, sweet dreams (y/n)."

"Good night."

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