Chapter 4

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A/n: It was Venti's birthday when I published this on quotev so its a birthday special!

What kind of cake would Venti like? You look at all the different cakes. "Maybe this one?" Aether suggests, pointing at an applepie. You asked him to help you pick out a cake for Venti's birthday. The bard boy usally sleeps very long, so you went out early to buy one for him. As a surprise! Luckly Aether was so nice to come with you.

He told you it was his birthday yesterday, when you were vibin on the couch you guys chatted a bit and he told you stories. You loved those stories. He played on his lyre while singing about tales of the past and adventures in the present.

Venti refused to go home for the night, because "he needs to protect you!". Protect for what? Your ankle was a good reason, but that is healed now. You secretly think (and maybe hope) he just likes being around you. Not that you mind- not at all. You have to admit you hoped he would stay. He manages to make you smile on your saddest days. You really want to give him a nice birthday.

Back to the cake-buying. Aether is this looking at you waiting for an answer. "Good idea!" you say smiling. Venti loves apples, so why not applepie! Aether nodds and grabbes the pie. A big cream pie chatches your eye. You chuckle. "We could also buy this one and trow it in his face~"

The braid boy laughs but shakes his head after. "We don't have money for that!" You pout. "But it would be funny right!"

"Yeah- lets go pay for this cake." he says holding up the applepie. You sigh. "Okie-"

You and Aether are walking outside, but suddenly you stop in your tracks. "Oh no- I forgot buying a present for Venti!!!!" you shake Aethers shoulders agressively. The poor boy tries to push you away and puts a hand on your shoulder. "Don't worry we can still buy something for him!" he tries to calm you down. You clench your fist and nod. "Okay lets go-" you start walking, but imedeatly turn around. "What should I buy?!

Aether thinks. Venti doesn't want much beside freedom and alcohol. He shrugges. "I don't know, he really likes wine. We could try to get Diluc to give us a cider?"

What does this guy have with alcohol? You thought he was underage? "Is Venti even allowed to drink? He looks quite young to have such a alcohol adiction."

Aether was a bit confused, but then he realised. Venti didn't tell you yet. You don't know he is an arcon. He must care about you deeply, to go as far as not telling the truth so you won't think differently of him. Aether knows Venti doesn't want to loose you. He is scared you will hate him if he tells you he is a god. You probably won't, but Aether understands Venti's worry. Being a god is quite a big deal, but would you hate him for being one? Probably not. He feels like there is an other reason he is not telling.

You are still looking at him, waiting for an answer. How can he convince you Venti is allowed to drink? "He- just is an eception. Being a bard and such." You nod as if you understand, but he seems to be holding something back. Aether is probably the most trustworthy of all the people you know, so you just believe him. You know Diluc is the owner of the Dawn Winery, so you asume that is were our protac boi wants to go. "What is the shortest route?" you ask. "My ankle is healed, but still a bit sensitive, so I don't want to walk to far. Also I'm lazy."

Aether chuckles in his fist. His braided hair moves with his body. You gasp dramaticly. "Ooh pretty hair~" you say jokingly while puting your hands on your cheaks. This only makes him laugh more. You have to admit his laugh is quite cute, but not as as amazing as Venti's. You blush slightly at the tought of Venti's smiling face. LORD BARBETOS WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE SO ADORABLE!!

Aether stopped lauging and points at a floating statue thingy with a gem in the middle. "Its a teleport waypoint." he says. You walk toward it. "Are you able to teleport anywere with that thing?" Aether also walks toward it while you keep investigating it. "Only to other points. There are lots of them all troughout the world. I just have to picture the one I want to got to and touch it. When I open my eyes again I'm at the place I had in mind."

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