Chapter 9

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You wake up with a comfy feeling. You feel arms lovingly wrapped around your body. You smile and snuggle closer to the boy, hearing his steady heartbeat as you do so. The blankets cover your heads, so it's like a cosy blanket fort. Venti kisses your forehead, making your heart flutter. "Good morning, windblume." You can hear he just woke up aswell. You look up at his smiling face. "I love you-" you mutter holding him tight. He caressed your cheek and gently gives a small kiss on your nose. "Cute.." He mumbles. Your face flushes red and you look away shyly. Venti pulls you close. "I love you too~"

You feel like you're turning even redder and hide your smiling face. He giggles. "Don't hidee I want to see your faceee" He pulls u closer to him and holds your face with both his hands. "Now I can finally tell you how pretty you are<3" He plants a small kiss on your lips and you feel butterflies rushing through your body. You look into his eyes and see them sparkle happily. He is adorable.. He brushes your hair behind your ear and smiles. "Will you be mine?"

You blush and smile widely. "Yes" You lean forward and kiss him softly. He pulls you close and deepens the kiss. His lips feel so nice and soft on yours, and his arms so comfortable around you. You feel like the whole world disappeared. After a while he pulls away and gazes into your eyes. "I really love you.." he mutters. His eyes light up. "Well, my dear (y/n)!" he climbs on top of you and puts his forehead against yours. "Now that we're dating, how would you like to spend this day together~" He smirks a bit. You blush, you really are dating him. With a big smile on your face, you hug him tight. "Got any ideas?"
You look at your now boyfriend and can't help to smile. "Doing anything with you is wonderful," you confess. He smiles and pats your head. "I want to do something special today, to spend as much time with you as possible<3"
He's so sweet, you can't wait to go on a date with him. He kisses your cheek and gets up out of bed. "Get ready~" he giggles and happily darts off.
You get up and quickly put on your clothes. You put on something warm. It's a windy day, could the reason be Venti is excited? He is the god of wind after all... You wonder what he's planning-

You find him waiting for you in the living room, he is wearing his usual outfit, claiming he simply looks the cutest in it. You can't deny that. "So... Where are we going?" you ask after Venti dragged you outside. He smiles widely. "My favourite place~" he states. You know exactly what he means, and you smile as you see his favourite spot appearing in the distance. The tree at Windrise. You've always loved that place, you can feel the wind blowing through your hair and it's truly peaceful. You hold his hand a little tighter and he squeezes back. "I hope you're hungry, because I have the best picnic ever planned~" he tells with a sweet smile on his face.

Underneath the tree lays a picnic blanket, covered with tasty food that makes your mouth water. The bard boy smiles awkwardly and sits down on the blanket. "I know it isn't much but... I saved up as much as I could and bought anything I thought you might like." A huge grin appears on your face and you hug venti tight. "This is so sweet thank you Venti<3" you say pulling him close. He giggles and wraps his arms around you. "Anything for you my love. I may have to cut down on some fine wines, but that's nothing compared to the joy I feel when seeing your smiling face."
His sweet words make you melt into his arms. His eyes sparkle with joy and he looks pleased with the result of his efforts as he puts his forehead against yours. "This was totally worth it..." he mutters as he caresses your cheek lovingly. You push your lips against his and kiss him. He let out a small gasp before pulling you close and kissing you back. His lips feel soft and warm against yours. When he pulls away you can still feel the butterflies in your stomach. "You know what is even better than a big picnic?" Venti asks with a teasing tone. You tilt your head to signal you don't know. He leans toward your ear. "A picnic with you," he says softly. You blush and quickly stuff some food in your mouth.

Venti takes a bite out of a juicy apple. "Tasty..." he chirps. You can't help observing him eat, he looks so adorable while enjoying his simple apple. He bought an admirable amount of food for a broke person. A nice selection of savoury and sweet snacks. Apples, muffins, cheese sticks, bread and a few things to put on the bread. He even brought apple juice.
(a/n: if you don't like any of these things or can't have them, feel free to imagine there being something else)

A smile forms on venti's face seeing you're enjoying the picnic he organised. He chuckles. "Windblume, if you eat so fast you will start to feel sick!" He teases you. You shove more food in your mouth "habwaba ihts toow tasteh" you say as Venti bursts out laughing. "I can't understand you like that!" he exclaims. Just because you can you make some more incomprehensible noises. Venti pokes your cheek. "How did a whole entire muffin even fit in your mouth?!"
You swallow the muffin and smile. "Magic."
The boy giggles and hugs you. "I love you, it feels like I've been waiting for you my entire life. And now that you're finally here, I can't wait to give you all my love." He snuggles into your shoulder. "I love you too, Venti," you say with your cheeks slightly red. He gently kisses your lips. "My windblume<3"

For a few minutes, you enjoy his comfort before he suggests going on a stroll. "We can walk around Mondstadt for a bit if you'd like?"
You nod in response and he takes your hand to help you up. You hold back remarking how you can just stand up by yourself, but when he does it you don't really mind. He intertwines his fingers with yours while both of you head off to Mondstadt.

At the bridge is a boy sitting between a bunch of pigeons. He looks kinda depressed, and for some reason, the pigeons don't get scared away by him. He sits here more often, when you tried to talk to him he always throws a tantrum about scaring away the pigeons. Venti apparently knows this boy too. "Should we throw a rock at them?" he giggles playfully. You wheeze and poke his side with your elbow. "I didn't know you were this evil?" you chuckle and pick up a small stone off the ground. Venti gasps. "Windblume I was joking!!" he exclaims grabbing your hand to stop you. You pout jokingly. "I wanted revenge..."
Venti looks concerned. "Revenge? What did he do?" He questions. A sigh escapes your mouth. "He made me emo with his depressing story and then forced me to feed his soul-sucking bird friends. A very big crime, if you ask me."
Venti holds back laughing. "He should be charged with emofying the prettiest citizen of Mondstadt." he states, making you a bit flustered. "I'm not that pretty... you are..." you mutter softly. Venti chuckles. "Let's run over the bridge okay?" You nod. "And look very angry at Timmy while doing so."

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