Chapter 6

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Another hillichurl jumps seemingly out of nowhere, you freeze in shock as it charges at you. It waves its wooden club in the air, making loud and questionable noises. Suddenly your muscles are able to move again, and you jump back to avoid getting hit. You stumble for a moment, and almost get slammed on your head, but you regain your balance just in time to slay the last hillichurl.

While you and Venti are fighting you don't notice a blue-haired man slowly walking towards the both of you, until his voice interrupts you. "That's impressive, for a cute girl without a vision." He says raizing one eyebrow. You instantly don't like him. His stupid smirk and voice just annoy the hell out of you. You've heard of him before, his name is Kaeya. He is one of the knights of favonious, and quite a famous one.

You wonder why he is here. He examines you, completely ignoring Venti giving him a death glare. "Do you have any previous experiences with fighting?" You decide to just play it nice, and not immediately insult the stinky pirate standing before you. "I do not, what makes you curious?"

Kaeya appears to see through your act. With a playful smirk he crosses his arms, looking down on you because that man is a tall piece of shit. "Your fighting wasn't that bad, for a beginner." He explains. "I was wondering if you were planning on using that talent, you could make some money by joining the adventurers guild."

You drop the being nice act, you can't stand that man and don't see any reason to be nice anymore now he knows you despise him. You are curious about one thing tho. "Arent you a knight of favonious? What's in it for you if I join the adventurous guild?"

Kaeya seems amused at your question. He likes it that you are paying attention to what he is saying. He snickers. "I just think such skilled fighting shouldn't go to waste."

Seems reasonable, but still very sus.

It might not even be a bad idea. "I'll think about it." You answer. Kaeya nods. "Good." With that he walks away.

You immediately turn to Venti. "I hate that guy." You mumble. His face looks grumpy, but in a cute way. "I don't necessarily hate him... I guess I just don't like the way he talks to you-"

You chuckle. "Is it because he called me cute? Is the bard boy jealous?" You say making fun of him. Venti slightly blushes and looks away. "It's not! His attitude is just very annoying!" Amused from his reaction you teasingly pat his head. "No worries, I also can't stand that man."

Venti is relieved but tries not to show it. He stares at his feet. "Sooo... are you going to join the adventurers guild?" You inspect the blade of your sword. It was a lot of fun slaying all those hillichurls, you wouldn't mind doing it again. But on the other hand... You're still not sure. "Maybe, I'll think about it."

Venti grabs your hand. "Come with me, I want to show you something." He drags you with him. You pull his arm. "Can we just leave the gliders there?" Venti continues running. "Yeah sure! Also just throw the sword on the ground, we'll pick it up later!" You let it fall on the ground, leaving it behind.

After running for a while Venti suddenly stops. After regaining your breath your gaze goes up. In front of you is a beautiful tree. It's huge, almost otherworldly. The tree is partly surrounded by a lake, and on the other side is a grass field with flowers. Lovely light blue-green-ish butterfly-like creatures fly around under the massive roof of leaves. You gasp. "This place is gorgeous-"

Venti smiles. "I know. It's my favourite spot in Teyvat." He says gleaming with happiness. He walks closer to the tree and climbs in it. He sits down on a thick branch and reaches his hand out to you. "Would you like to join me?" You grab his hand and pull yourself up next to the smiling boy. He sighs. "Sitting in a tree with my favourite person, this would only be more perfect with a glass of wine. What do you think?"

The wind breezes through your hair. "I love it. I totally get why this is your favourite place." Venti smiles. "I knew you would get it! But on a more serious note, that is not why I brought you here."

That was not something you expected. You adjust your legs to sit more comfortably. "Is something wrong?" You ask. Venti scratches his neck. "I don't really know how to say it..." He pauses for a few seconds. "You know about the archons right?"

You nod. They rule over and protect the cities. They give humans visions. They are the gods.

Venti swallows the lump in his throat.

"Some of the archons like to walk around in their cities disguised as humans." He looks into your eyes. You give him a questioning look. He nervously fidgets with his cape. You haven't seen him nervous before, where is he going with this? Your eyes wander off to the statue of the seven in the distance. Suddenly a thought hits you. Nonono that can't be- Your eyes widen. "Are you saying that-"

Venti awkwardly looks at you. "Ehe~"

You stare at your feet in shock. "Venti, are you- Barbatos?"

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