Chapter 3

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When Venti wakes up he notices you are still asleep. The bard boy smiles at the sight of your sleeping face. The first rays of sunlight are just enough to make out your pretty features. "I'm going to make breakfast." he thinks to himself. It's quite cold. He doesn't have a sweater or something like that. Maybe he can borrow one from you? Being as quiet as he can he opens your closet and looks for something to wear over his pyjamas. There are a lot of clothes, but also towels, and blankets. He grabs a pastel green hoodie and quickly pulls it over his head. You probably don't mind him using it. He looks at you one more time and carefully walks away, trying to not wake you up. Let's prepare some food!

You are slowly waking up, but are too drowsy to open your eyes yet. Your bed is way too comfortable- After turning around a few times you remember Venti. Is he still here? You stretch your limbs and yawn. When opening your eyes you realise he is not sleeping on the chair like you expected. "Venti?" you mutter, still half asleep. Where is he? Did he leave already? You step out of your bed, ignoring the feeling in your ankle, and walk downstairs to look for the boy.

"Venti?" you say, this time a bit louder. You open the door to the living room and see Venti in the kitchen. He looks up to your stumbling figure. "(y/n) you're awake!" he says a bit surprised, running over to you as you almost fall over. You hug him tight. "Where were you- I was scared you were gone." you mutter into his chest. You notice he is wearing your hoodie, and kinda smells like baked eggs? He rubs your back. "It's alright now, I'm here. I was just making breakfast silly!"

That's a habit you have, when sleepy, hungry or overwhelmed you tend to over react. If you just used your brain you would have realised he was probably already awake and making food, but you thought he died or something. You pull away and sigh. "Sorry- I didn't see you on the chair and got scared."

He chuckles "It's okay, I made us fried eggs!" He walks back to the kitchen and puts two plates with toast and egg on the table. You carefully (so you don't hurt your ankle) walk to the kitchen and grab something to drink. Venti already sat down and you join him to eat your meal.

Rain. It started raining. The sound of water drops hitting the roof gives a safe feeling. When you look outside you see puddles are forming on the streets. Venti stands up and walks to the window. "It's raining. You you like rain?"

Water drops splash against the window, making it hard to see trough. You smile. "Yes." you say. Venti turns around and smiles at you. "Wanna go outside to play in the rain?"

You chuckle. "Sure!" Most people don't like rain that much, it makes you wet and cold, so you were surprised Venti wanted to go outside. But getting wet doesn't bother you that much for some reason. Venti looks happy at your answer and grabs your arm. "Okay lets go!" "Wait I-" you try to say something but get draged outside by the enthousiastic boy. You wanted to maybe change out of your pyjama's first, but whatever.

You follow Venti outside, not even putting on shoes. Your feet instantly get soaking wet and you feel the raindrops falling on your head. You smile and look up, letting the water flow down your face and soak your pyjama's. Venti lets go of your arm to grab your cold hand, he attempts to get his wet hair out of his face and his(your) hoodie looks heavy from the water. The cold rain makes you shiver a bit, but you don't care. You feel refreshed. And happy. Venti smirks at you. "Let's see who can make the biggest splash!"

He lets go of your hand and jumps into a big puddle, making the water splash everywhere. You gasp dramatically. "I can never make that big of a splash!"

"Try it." he demands smiling. You notice a pretty big puddle to your right and want to jump in it, but then you remember your ankle. "It not fully healed yet-" you say disappointed. Venti's smile turns into a frown. "I almost forgot-" his eyes light up again. "Can I jump in it?" You giggle as he jumps in the puddle in front of you, his jump splashing water all over you. "Now I'm even more wet!" you complain teasingly. Venti tries to shake of some of the water, as if that will help while standing in the pouring rain. "Do you want to go inside again to dry up?" You nod and go inside, Venti following you.

You try not to make everything wet wile running upstairs to grab towels. They are nicely stacked up in your closet, you take three and and also grab Venti's clothes, so he has something dry to put on. You bring them downstairs. Venti is standing in the kitchen with a big cute smile on his face. You trow a towel at him, and immediately start drying your hair. Venti cought the towel and tries to dry his braids. "Well that was a lot of fun~" he chirps while rubbing his hair with the towel. His happy vibes always manage to make you smile. He is right- you haven't had this much fun in a while.



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