Chapter 5

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"Are you ready to go?"

You are standing on the edge of Starsnatch Cliff, again, but this time with Venti next to you, as emotional support I guess. His presence gives you courage. His smile and confidence makes you really feel like you can do it. No dying this time!

Yes you are still a bit nervous, but that's normal. Who wouldn't be, but now you are prepared. Your windglider is already attached to your back, same with Venti. You clench your fist and look up to the boy in front of you. "Yes, I'm ready."

Venti grabs your hand and strokes your palm, trying to easy your nerves. "No need to be nervous! When we get back I'll treat you to some wine~"

You laugh it off, assuming he was joking. Well, it is Venti, even tho he jokes around a lot, he was probably serious.

You step forward untill your toes touch the very end of the cliff. "Let's go." you say taking a deep breath. Still holding on to Venti's hand you jump off, your glider immediately catches the wind and you steadily float on the breeze of wind.

"I'm doing it-" you whisper. Venti's gliding beside you gives a feeling of safety. He looks at the beautiful view, while also keeping an eye on you. You are taking in your surroundings, the grassy fields and forests, and colourful flowers. To your left is the sea, with occasional rocks sticking out of the salty water. Its a beautiful sight. Even tho these are all familiar places to you, seeing them from above gives it a whole new feel.

After gliding a bit further Venti points down, and you immediately see what he means. A hillichurl camp, quite close to the city. Venti looks worried. "Those smelly hillichurls are still around, we should go down and deal with them before they attack Mondstadt."

You agree with him, but it seems kinda scary, and you don't have a weapon to fight with. Maybe you could grab one of the wooden clubs they have? You doubt they will hurt that much on their tough stupid skulls. You and Venti land behind a rock, out of view from the monsters in the camp.

You take off your glider, and put it down on the ground. Venti takes out his bow, while he's doing so you look around for something to wack hillichurls with. You notice a chest, perfect. Maybe there will be some weapons in it so you can actually be useful!

The wood feels old and rotten and the metal parts are rusty, but fortunately the chest still opens. Inside you find some purple stones, mora and a weird green bandana, but most importantly, a sword! You carefully take it out of the chest. It's quite heavy, but light enough for you to hold it up with not too much effort. It's not that sharp, but its perfect for now. Venti studies the sword and nods approvingly. "This will do! Do you know how to use a sword?"

You never fought with a sword before- but it doesn't seem that hard. You hold on to the hilt with both hands as you raise the sword, trying to look confident. Venti chuckles because it almost falls, but you manage to keep it up and awkwardly smile at Venti. "Let's go!" you say pointing your sword forward. Venti smirks. "Time to kill some baddies."

His cape flows in the wind as he jumps toward the camp from behind the rock, and you hesitantly follow him. A loud "HYAH!" can be heard from the hillichurls noticing Venti. He pulls the string from his bow back, and the anemo arrow points right at the a monsters forehead. As soon as Venti lets go the arrow flies toward the hillichurl at high speed, and hits him right in his face. It shivers in pain and evaporates into dust. All of that happened in just seconds. There is barely time for your brain to process what just happened, you need to stay focused.

The other hillichurls look at where their poor friend once stood, and turn an angry glare at Venti. The boy smiles in your direction, and signals now is your time. You charge forward with your sword in hand, hitting one of the confused monsters in its stomach with the dull side of the blade. You raise your sword and bring it down with all your might, dealing quite a lot of damage. In the corner of your eye you see a pyro archer hillichurl charging its bow, and you jump aside to dodge the fire arrow. Soon after you see it disappearing by a shot from Venti. You focus on your enemy again, which now raised its fist at you ready to punch. A few slashed of your sword finish it off, as you already done a lot of damage.

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