In and out!

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I felt hot and pain all over my body. It was also cold and dark or so I thought. The outside world all around me was so chaotic. All I knew was what happened to me. I was hit by a car and now I was somewhere with a white ceiling. It was weird but I was in and out of consciousness a couple of times and with each time I could hear a couple of sentences. It didn't make much sense to me though. Even if I wanted to stay awake longer... I couldn't do that... My body felt heavy and cold.

???: If that's true than you will need to have a close eye on her.

???: Why?

That sounds like Aiazwa but who is he talking too?

Am I in a hospital?

It does smell like one...

But I am sure there isn't a hospital close to the orphanage...

???: I found a lot of old injuries that definitely came from fights she was in. She also had a lot of broken bones in the past. There was nearly not a single one of her bones that hadn't had an indication that it was already broken once. Scars that told a story of being stabbed and cut as well as a bullet wound that luckily healed well on its own.

No wonder there!

Broken bones from my failed attempt to jump from roof to roof a couple of times... It hurts but oh well you get used to it.

Then I also broke my bones while fighting a couple of times since I don't know why but villains do love throwing people against the walls. So... a couple of broken ribs.

Stab and cut wounds well don't you think that that is pretty common if you are fighting villains?

I mean I am basically one too but don't throw me in there with them!

I never hurt anyone!

Not until they hurt me first that is!

But I never killed!

I am just a thief!

Also, I got that bullet wound from a detective who tried to shot me!

What was his name again...?

Ah I don't care!

It was that truth telling guy! The one that knows when you lie... Pesky little detective! He and Eraserhead were the only ones that managed to come as close to me as no one else. Still bothersome!

Aizawa: *Sigh* What kind of life did she live?

???: A dangerous one but I can't tell you more.

If you only knew!

Being a thief isn't easy at all after all!

Aizawa: Thanks, I'll take care of her from now on.

time skip brought to you by a small black kitten having a fever and a black panther watching over her

The next time I woke up, I could hear two voice I recognized all too well. I was still to week to move or say anything but I could open my eyes. However due to the extreme light of the ceiling, I decided to close them and just relax and listen. Seeing as my body was still so heavy and that I felt very hot, I knew that I had a bad fever.

Mic: So, you mean to tell me that 15 years ago when we had this argue about adopting a child you got drunk and...

Aizawa: Yes. I got drunk and had a one-night stand, Zashi.

Mic: Why didn't you tell me sooner?

Aizawa: I can't remember the details and thought it was just a weird dream.

Mic: Sho, you never dream.

Aizawa: Yeah but I was drunk and I usually am never completely drunk.

Mic: So then this is?

Aizawa: My biological daughter.

Mic: I don't know if I should be angry or not but I am happy for you!

What are they talking about?


I am what?

A man that looks like a hobo and had a scarf on him...

With burning red eyes when his quirk activates...

I could literally facepalm myself right now!

How didn't I think off that kind of possibility?

Anyways it's way too loud!

I am so sleepy!

I'll think about this later on


time skip brought to you by a cockatoo caring for his new adoptive small kitten

Eri: Papa, when will Oneesan wake up?

Mic: She has a high fewer but she will be healthy in no time again.

Eri: She saved me! *sob*

Mic: Hey, don't cry. RG is taking care of her and we are too. She is best hands.

Eri: Papa, will she come home with us?

Mic: Of course! She is your older sister after all.

Eri: I'd like that. We can play together and eat a lot of apples!

Mic: Yeah you can do that.

Eri: Do you think Oneesan likes apples?

Mic: I don't know but she seemed to like sweet things.

Eri: Then can we make her an apple pie when she wakes up?

Mic: Sure, can my little princess!

What a sweet girl...

time skip brought to you by a small snowflake and a lilac fluffball taking care of a black kitten

Eri: Toshi, when do you think she will wake up?

Toshi: Soon. That's what RG said.

Wait a moment?


I am in UA and not a hospital!

That means I could get my hands on these documents Shigaraki wants!

But not in my current condition!

If I would attempt anything I am sure I would only get caught...

Eri: Dad said she is our lost sister... Do you think he is right?

Toshi: RG made a test and she really is his daughter. So yes he is.

Eri: Poor Oneesan!

Toshi: Why is that?

Eri: She lived on the street while we live with daddy and papa.

Toshi: I am sure dad knows what to do.

Eri: Will she like us?

Toshi: Who wouldn't love such a cute princess like you?

Eri: hihi! You are the best big brother there is!

Toshi: Of course, I am!

That was the last thing I heard before drifting off to sleep again.

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