I refuse!

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The moment I woke up, I found myself in the infirmary of UA as expected. Furthermore, there was no one in the room at first glance. However, the moment I sat up, I could see something yellow from the corner of my eyes and it caught my interested to say the least. Spearing one glance to the side I could see a yellow sleeping bag with a man inside. Eraserhead to be precise.

Me: *Sigh* So it was not a dream...

At first, I wished that everything was just a bad joke or a dream but to tell you the truth I already knew that he was my father when he said he could be my father. It was at that moment that I started to think about it. If he really had a one nightstand with an unknown woman then he was the man my mom fell in love with at first sight. What a crazy story. To even think that the pro-hero Eraserhead is my father... nope... I refuse to think about that. I am Scarlet! A thief! There was no way I could let this be.

He my father?!


I refuse to accept this!

He never went to see my mother!

Not even had the slightest interest in me!


I don't want him to be my father!

I began looking around the room. The man on the ground was still sleeping. I could tell so by the steady breathing. He could have faked it but I didn't care about that at all. All I wanted was to escape and so I looked around to find my clothing. Lucky for me they were on the table right next to where I was sleeping. Now all I had to do was take then, get out of the room while also finding a changing room or rest room and get out of here.

That was my priority.

So, I quickly grabbed my things and got out of the bed. Thanks to the healing I received I felt a lot better and I could tell that my bones were all healed. As a thief I knew damn well hot to conceal my presence and get away without making any sound. Sneaking out of the room was therefore very easy. Now once out of the room, the question was which way should I go.

Left, or right?


I haven't had a chance to study the outlining of this place!

Damn it!

Why am I even here!

Ohh shit!

I hear someone better hide!

Eri: Papa, do you think Oneesan is awake?

Mic: Let's hope she is.

Eri: She's sleeping for 3 days now... Isn't she hungry?

Mic: I am sure she will be.

As I could hear some footsteps approaching, I went into the first room that was open and hid there. To my luck it was just an ordinary classroom. An empty one at that. This was my chance to change my clothes. I was wearing some light robe that looked like a nightgown. Now I did wonder who changed me but I didn't let my mind wonder about that for too long. Taking the chance, I quickly changed into the uniform and my red scarf.

What do I do with the nightgown?

I'll return it later.

I can just take it with me...


I don't have a bag with me...

I used my quirk and began detecting how many people were where. I could feel a couple of people below me and someone laying a couple of rooms further down where I just came from. Then there were these two that began walking down the corridor. Once they were down to the room where I came from, I knew everything would be over. So, I went to the window of this room and started to open it and look outside.

First floor!


I can just jump out of the window without any regrets!

Thank god the infirmary isn't on another level!

I was ready to jump out of the window that was until I saw a class outside and they were looking at me.


OHH well it's not like they will hinder my escape!

They need to catch me for that first!

Still not seeing a better way than this, I opened the window, went to the opposite side of it and started running at it, yeeting myself out of the window and rolling on the ground after landing to ensure that I wouldn't hurt myself too much. As expected after doing that a couple of times for years, I don't get hurt at all from something so trivial like this. Now all I had to do was RUN!

The students as well as the teacher Vlad King looked at me and did nothing. It wasn't an everyday occasion that someone just yeeted themselves out of the window, right? Too bad because it really is fun.

Me: See ya next time! Or not!

Just like that I started running and dashing to the next fence. It was a 2-meter-high wall but I was skilled enough to run, jump at it and make two steps on it to get a hold on the edge and pull me up and over the fence.

Me: *Exhale*

Better start running!

It's still not over yet!

As I was thinking that I turned around and was about to leave the street until I saw that second adoptive son or first adoptive son of the man that wanted to call himself my father.

Me: Ahm Hi?

How are the odds of me escaping and landing in front of a hero?

Close to zero, right?

Well apparently, not!


I hate my luck sometimes!

He just looked at me and the problematic thing was not him but the woman with him. It was no other than Midnight. She just looked at me with wide eyes so did he but I didn't care. So I turned the other direction.

Me: Well it was nice seeing you again, Toshi, Lady Midnight! BYE!

Once I turned on my heal I started dashing and was out of their sight really quickly. At this point I was sure that the day could only get worse.

Scarlet (Aizawa's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now