Look who we have here!

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It didn't take long for me to get to the LOV base. However the person that was there wasn't Shigaraki or Kurogiri, instead it was Dabi. He was sipping on something and I decided to give him a bit of a surprise.


Look who we have here!

Dabi my dear friend!

What are you doing all alone?

How about me being so kind and spent some time with ya!

You know you seem a little bit lonely sipping on a bottle of alcohol all by yourself!

Didn't anyone tell you that alcohol is best when you enjoy it with somoene else?

Right after I saw him, I sneaked up on him and hugged him from behind whispering in his ear.

Me: Hi dragon.

I could tell that my warm breath was arousing him since he turned red the instant I did that and he truned around immediatelly grabbing my hand, pulling me in and then kissing me.

This is was unexpected but you are not that fierce anymore dragon!

Look at you being all embarrased for a moment!

Don't tell me!

Did I take you by surprise?

No way!

Dabi: Is the little phoenix not affraid I could do something? You know I might make a move!



Of you?!



I am a thief!

I take what I want!

You really think I would be scared?

I will still your move even before you know what is happening!

Now let's see what you will do!

Me: I would love that!

Dabi: You would huh...

Just like that he gave me another kiss. Now the problem was he wasn't about to let me go at all - Soo I did what the next logical thing and made myself comfortable in his lap. You see it wasn't that bad sitting there. I could sneek up and steal some kisses from him this way. I loved them and they made me addicted after all. There was no denying it.

Dabi: What are you doing here birdy?


Getting myself the treat I needed after this long evening!

I mean I spent literally 5 hours in this damn vent system!

I can't believe it took me this long to get out of there and in there!

Seriously tho?!

Why a maze in a school as vent system!

No one can even get in there!

They are soo tiny!

It was even claustrophobic for me!

Me: Ohh I just came to deliver some goods.

Dabi: Goods? You mean presenting yourself on a silver plate?

Ohh please!

I am worth more than being put on a silver plate!

Me: A golden plate with diamons around it.

Dabi: NJAM! Sounds delicious! How about you let me get a bite off you!

Me: Not here.

My answer must have surprised him since I could see his eyes widen for a bit before a huge grinn began showing on his face. He was a big bad wolf now ready to devour me completly and honestly after our talk a couple of days ago, I could tell what a nice guy he actually was. 

Did I had a crush on him?



There was no denying it!

However before I could tease him more or anything else happenes between us, I really needed to give Shigaraki the informations.

Me: BUUUUUUUTTTT..... Where is Shigaraki?

Dabi: What do you want from him? Am I not good enough?

Me: Ohh you are all mine already! I just need to give him this drive.

With that said I pulled out a flash drive out of my small pocked on the side of my hip. There were all the information he wanted and the job was only done when I would give it to him in person. Even if I wanted to give it to Dabi, I couldn't do it. That is my personall rule. 

Dabi: Not here.

Me: Where else?

Dabi: He said something about the line of needing to go to sensei....

Me: Oh he is meeting AfO.

Of course I knew. I knew everything I had to know. I didn't come this far and survived this long wihtout knowing stuff around. There was a reason villains don't mess with me. I could bring them down in seconds without exposing myself too. 

Now that I knew that he would be with AfO I put the thing away in my pocked again before fokusing on the hot burning stuff in front of me. Was I was scared to get burned or scared from it?


If anything at this moment I wanted to have someone around. I felt lonely for a very long time and after the talk we had, I somehow felt conected to him. 

Dabi: You know?

Me: Oooh please! Who do you think I am?

Dabi: A very pretty phoenix I just caught.

Me: And a brilliant thief as well as the number 3 villain around.

Dabi: Wait WHAT!

Me: Did I never tell you? I am called Scarlet. I am pretty sure you did.

Dabi: Might be but you know... I don't care about it. You are a bird in my hands and I won't let you fly away again!

Me: Oh is that so?

Dabi: Yes.

He suddenly picked me up and decided to walk out of the bar area and straight to a room. From the smell of burned thing, I would say it was his own room. 

Dabi: You won't get a chance to escape this time!

Me: Why would I want that huh?

Since he was still holding me, I decided to hold onto him and pull myself closer to his ear to be able to nimble on it for a bit. It really took him by surprise since he stopped in mid track before throwing me to the bed once I let go of him.

Dabi: You are playing a dangerous game.

Me: You mean with fire?

Dabi: You sure you won't regret this? Cause I am not letting you go after you are mine!

Me: If I were not sure I wouldn't do this!

I used my quirk to erase his for a moment and went after a hot kiss that neither of us could resist. I didn't care where the night was getting us and so I was enjoying each and every moment of it as long as it lasted. There was never a telling what the next day would bring after all. However something told me that I wouldn't get rid of this dragon on my side every again.

Scarlet (Aizawa's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now