Breaking into UA

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You know maybe breaking into UA wasn't that good of a plan after all. Still me and my ridiculously sorry ass couldn't help it but do so anyways.

Why exactly am I doing this again?

Cause you are dumb!

Consciousness stop it!

Why should I?!

Cause you are not making anything better!

Ohh really!


It was dark and about 3 days left since I kinda got lost. I mean which thief get's lost? Right no one but this great thief! Could you blame me tho? I was completely exhausted and thankfully in these past 3 days I had enough time to rest.

Today was the day when I decided to break into UA. For the past 3 days I was only wracking my brain to come up with a good plan to get in but there is really not any good plan at all. I couldn't even get my hands on some accurate blueprints which means I am going in there completely blind and on my own which was just great!

Still I had to do this to get information for Shigaraki. I didn't care why he needed the entrance exam information and I also didn't wanted to ask. The less I know the better! Besides it wasn't my job to be a detective snooping around but being a thief in the first place. So I am doing what every thief can do best and steal things!


As far as I know there should be some traps and sensors right below this huge ass outer fence.

Surveillance Cameras everywhere and even some tranquilizing weapons as well as a full lockdown mode if I get caught....

I am beginning to question my decision on even trying to break in here....

But oh well I promised I will do it!

Yeah you will get caught!


There wasn't really any good way to get in. However, there was this small security issue I found. You see every building needs some electricity and I doubt that the school is running on their own generator seeing how some electricity lines are getting into the building. This meant that they are using electricity from the city and I could easily make a black out.

Just yesterday night I snuck into the electricity headquarters and did some little hacking on a worker's place and managed to plant a bug in there which would shut down the electricity for this whole district in about...






There were only a couple of seconds for me to get over this fence before the generator would power up and the whole security system would go back online. However I didn't need more than this much to get over the fence and over the place to a vent.

Ohh I heard Nezu loves to vent!

Let's hope this is a good way in!

Without even thinking twice I used the vent hatch to get in. Did I have some screwdrivers with me? Sure did! I liked to be prepared and how else to get in if not somehow bust that shit open or in this case open it carefully since I was sure that they would have some sensors installed for some forcefully opening.

I am in!

Now which direction?

I am pretty sure I need to get up....

Well I am on the ground floor so yeah up sounds good!

Let's be honest here! The vent system is a maze and it was hard getting around this place. It took me a solid 3 hours time to find the rat's office. Thankfully I do remember my way out which means that I will have it easier and it wouldn't take this long. I was also soo thankful that I decided to break in at around 11 p.m. and not later cause this shit... just getting it took me soo dang long.

Once I was in, I dropped myself from the vent system down and started looking around. There were no paperwork things at all. Just a PC and some nice sofa as well as tea cups.

Sooo no paperwork....

Well what did I expect?

I mean he has paws!

How is he even supposed to write with a pen?

Come to think of it how is he even signing papers?

A paw print?

Me: Pfffff-

Okay.. let's see how good you have your PC locked...

Turns out it wasn't that hard to get into the PC and bypass everything. I was slippery after all. There was no way he could even program anything that could stop me. In the end it took me just 5 minutes to get in and copy all files on a flash drive and done. My job here was finally done.

It just took me around 3 hours getting in plus an hour from yesterday to plant that bug in and for what? Me being inside for 5 minutes...


While I am here, I might as well as leave a message....


I am Scarlet!

A ghost!

Better not get on Nezu's side!

He's scary!

And I have a feeling he can find out who I am easily!

Plus they know my real name... and identity...

Still can't believe he is my father!

Seeing as my job here was done and I didn't get myself into any unnecessary trouble, I decided to get out of the building the way I get in. Now here is the catch. Remember me saying I know my path out? Turns out I got a wrong left turn and spend 2 hours finding my way out. Still I did manage to get in and out without leaving a single clue. Now as for the CCTV on my way back... I had a good distraction place in the computer.

I mean while I was there I did plant a trojan horse on the computer. Now I never would need to get my ass over this wall again and in here to get some information's at all. It is making my life easier this way and I also had a feeling that Shigaraki was only testing my skills and wanted something else from here besides the entrance information.

Why would he even did that?

It just didn't made sense.

I could totally understand if he would goo for UA staff information or students information but this?

All that came into my mind was that he was planting a spy inside. This could be dangerous and I would rather not get involved int it all.

Let's bring this to Shigaraki!

He should be in the bar at this moment playing some games.

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