9. We Go Mining!

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AN: All credits goes to Uncle Rick and TheSonofTartarus.

Warning Note: More than half of chp. is filled with lemon/smut. Read at your own risk-

Chapter 9 :- We Go.... Mining?!

Time: A week later

It had been a week. The Hunters and Transformers were pushing themselves to the limits. Percy had come to Camp Half-Blood for a change, where the Romans were also staying for the war. 

After that night, Artemis and Thalia had avoided him, and he had not pressured them. The only word that Percy had exchanged with the two in the week was to tell them to come to Camp that day.

Percy sighed, standing in the middle of a desolate arena at Camp Half-Blood. Everybody was having lunch.

Pulling his khopesh out of nowhere, Percy felt the comforting weight of the bronze in his hand a moment later. He smiled as he gave it a few test swings, enjoying how the celestial bronze blade cut through the air and shone in the sunlight.

With a fierce, war cry, he stabbed the sword forward, impaling an imaginary hellhound between the eyes before ripping it back out and smoothly twisting into a slice that cleaved a non-existent skeleton from shoulder to hip. He flowed from thrust, to slash, to parry, to block without a moment's hesitation, the movements flowing together into an elaborate dance of shimmering bronze as sword, shield, and demigod moved as one.

He ended the dance with his arm outstretched, the khopesh driving itself through the heart of a hypothetical cyclops, while his shield was pressed tightly to his side, protecting him from a flurry of illusory arrows.


He turned his head towards the source of the noise and found none other than Artemis in all her voluptuous glamour tapping her foot impatiently by the edge of the arena. He dropped his stance, steadily exhaling as the tension bled from his frame.

He quickly sheathed his weapon and retracted the shield back into his bronze arm as he briskly walked over to the moon goddess, formulating what he hoped would be a satisfactory explanation.

"Jackson." The goddess narrowed her eyes. "You have a lot of explaining to do."

He came to a stop in front of her, crossing his arms as he looked down at her. "Yeah yeah." He grumbled. "So? What do you want to know first?"

"Start from the beginning. Tell me why I am here, and when the war will start."

He paused for a moment, wondering if he should leave out any details, then concluded that Artemis had already seen and experienced enough that omitting anything wouldn't make a difference.

He repeated his speech about the keys, ending with, "They are sure to come for me and the keys. If they succeed in putting the keys into place, the earth will be invariably destroyed, Unicron will rise, and it will be very risky odds against us."

"I'm sure you know the rest." He finished, awaiting her reaction.

Artemis was clearly uncomfortable with this discussion about the imminent destruction of the world, and changed the subject.

"You know I didn't exactly consent to what we did, right?" She glared at him.

He growled and stepped closer, looming over her as his sea-green eyes gleamed with dominance, recalling the night. He stepped dangerously close to her.

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