10. Daily Life Of The Transformers

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AN: All credits goes to Uncle Rick and TheSonofTartarus  .

Sorry for vanishing.

Here you go.

Have a short chapter. But a chapter nonetheless.

Chapter 10:- Daily Life Of The Transformers

Time: When Percy, Artemis and Thalia were busy at Camp Half-Blood

Barricade groaned, and turned on his side, his arm reaching out involuntarily to pat the bed beside him, as if searching for something. Realising that the object or person was not there, he shot up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, and looking around frantically.

His police uniform was folded neatly beside the bed, with his pistol and holster beside it. The few rays of sunlight that managed to filter through the drawn curtains glinted off the mirror to the side of the bed. Beside the full body mirror, there was a table, which Barricade had made by hand. On the table, a vase of red roses sat beside a picture of Mr. Winks, the police officer who had reached him when he had first run away. He smiled at him, and whispered., "I got you new roses yesterday, I hope you noticed."

He sat up, looking at himself in the mirror.

He had tanned copper skin, with several scars from his childhood crisscrossing the surface. A sharp nose and jawline, brown eyes, and wavy black hair, with a navy blue streak. His muscular chest rose and fell with every breath. He had no clothes on, and the crimson blankets covered his crotch, again leaving his legs bare.

He smiled and waved at his reflection in the mirror, before dressing himself in bed.

The smell of fried bacon wafted through the morning air, making him jump out of the bed, and head towards the kitchen downstairs.

He stared at the red-haired beauty setting the plates on the table. Phoebe was back in her Hunter's uniform, and had her red mane tied up in a ponytail.

Seeing the groggy 'con stumble into the kitchen-and-dining hall, the daughter of Ares smiled. She sauntered over to him, and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "This is your reward for waking up." She smiled.

"Now eat breakfast! It's getting cold, and the others won't wait!" Barricade smiled, and resumed his seat across from Phoebe, the two making small talk as they devoured the bacon, and pancakes.

Barricade stepped out of the house, Phoebe just behind him. Emperor Deathsaurus, who lived across from him, was sharpening his axe, while whistling to himself. His lackeys, the 'cons who combined to form Liokaiser, ran about in the background, fighting over some misplaced stuff.

Barricade hollered and waved at him, and the Emperor waved his axe back. "Tell Megatron I will come along later! You can see what's happening." He gestured behind him, shouting back at Barricade.

Phoebe smiled, and lacing her arm through his, guided him towards the arena, Barricade stopping to greet every single Decepticon he saw on the way, before being dragged along by the Huntress. "We will rip apart Ironhide today!" He waved at Motormaster, who was oiling his own engine.

"I will run him through!" Motormaster shouted cheerily, as if he hadn't just threatened someone.

"You all seem to hate Ironhide so much," Phoebe observed as they walked past Soundwave's house. He and Shockwave were apparently dating, and shared a house, though they spent most of their time in the control room or in the lab.

"Oh, no. It's just that he is too strong, and he has his cannons. Every day, it's our prime objective to bring down Ironhide. Once he is down, Megatron can take on Optimus easily."

"You all seem to be in a very large neighbourhood." The daughter of Ares commented.

"Yeah. We take care of each other. I may hate Bumblebee with my spark, but I always help him when his gun gets jammed." Phoebe nodded, knowing that spark means his soul, or his heart.

She continued her interrogation. "Who is this Primus? I have heard the Transformers talk about him as if he is your God. Even Percy talks like Primus is your God. Isn't Percy..."

Barricade clamped a hand over her mouth, restraining her from speaking any more, and whispered. "I will explain later. I don't even know whether I am allowed to talk about that." He admitted.

Phoebe noticed how close they were. Smiling, she removed his hand from her mouth, and reached up to peck the taller 'con on his lips.

A boom, emitted from behind them, jolted them out of their reverie, and they jumped apart. Bombshell had let an explosive drop, and it had created a small crater at his feet. His curly hair was singed, and his fingers were twitching. He looked nervous. "Did..did I interrupt something?"

Phoebe blushed, and answered quickly. "No, no, come join us. We are going to the arena."

Barricade moved aside, albeit reluctantly, so that Bombshell could walk on Phoebe's other side. He was one of the youngest Transformers, and was only seven years old. It was actually sad that such a young boy was abused, and when he came to Mt. Iacon, he was suffering from PTSD. In fact, Percy had personally taken him under his wing, and slept on the same bed with the boy to ensure that he did not get any nightmares.

"So, Bombshell, what is your special ability?" Phoebe questioned.

The seven-year-old smiled happily, and answered cheerily. "I call it Immunity." He was now fiddling with a screwdriver that he had drawn from a pocket, which seemed to contain everything.

"And what does that do?"

"I can't get hurt by explosions caused by me!"

They had arrived at the arena, and the three walked in. Today, they were not doing any simulations, so the Hunters could train by themselves, or any Transformer in their human form. Their mistress, Lieutenant, and Percy had gone to Camp.

Barricade hugged Phoebe, followed by Bombshell. The daughter of Ares laughed, patting the small boy on the head, before he joined Barricade. He walked to the Combiner Arena holding his hand, a smile adorning his face.

Phoebe felt herself smile at the interaction as she walked back to join her sisters. As it turned out, she was not the only one to fall in love. Atlanta was dating her own brother, Bumblebee, a daughter of Hermes, called Lucy, had been asked out by Hound, and she had accepted.

As she neared the other Hunters, she heard some of them whispering about how Artemis and Thalia were fighting over Percy, and how Thalia was sad when Artemis got to him first. They quietened down as the Hunt's third-in-command approached them. "In formation!" Phoebe shouted, before they proceeded to spar with their assigned partners among the Hunt.

Among the Transformers, Barricade heard the same thing from his brothers, both Autobot and Decepticon. "Do you know that Percy has given the last key as a locket to Thalia and Lady Artemis?! He has finally found a lover! Or rather two lovers." Someone said.

"I don't think that doing that is such a great idea. We can't trust Lady Artemis or her Hunters." Barricade frowned, and was about to shout at the guilty Decepticon, but he was silenced by the arrival of Megatron and Optimus. His frown turned into a smirk, as several other Transformers smirked, too. They knew that the two Generals were dating each other, but they had to act as if they were mortal enemies in front of the two factions.

AN: DoNe! (1.2k words)

Keep calm and Sunil Chhetri!

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