4. Meet The Transformers

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Quote of the day :- People are sheep. TV is the shepherd.

AN :- All credits goes to Uncle Rick and TheSonofTartarus


Chapter 4 :- Meet The Transformers

Time: A few weeks after the hunters got their new daggers

The Hunters were currently being tortured by Apollo's horrible taste in elevator music. Apparently, a new war was coming, and it was gonna be bigger than the last two.

And for some reason, the Oracle of Delphi could not give a prophecy.

Phoebe groaned in annoyance. Zeus had called a meeting with everyone related to the mythological world in attendance. This meant that all those stupid males from Camp Half-Blood, Camp Jupiter, and all those lustful minor gods would be there. Maybe she could kick some of their balls in.

After an agonisingly long wait, the elevator doors opened, and the Hunters filed out. They made a beeline for Artemis' palace, not giving a second glance to the rest of Olympus.

If they had, they would have noticed how bright and cheerful the day was. Apollo's chariot was high in the sky, birds were chirping, and trees swayed in the breeze. Naiads and dryads frolicked about in the grass. The marketplace was bustling with noisy people, all trading goods and services for drachmae. A few minor gods bustled about with stacks of paper, seemingly all business, but Phoebe could tell from experience that they were just checking them out.

The Hunters turned onto Ambrosia Lane, where all the palaces belonging to the Olympians were. Just on the next street, at the end of Greece Court, stood the throne room of Olympus, at the heart of the city.

They rushed past Perseus' palace, and stopped at his neighbour's. Artemis' palace was right beside his.

The moon goddess' palace was silver, but not too obnoxious. A deer's skull watched over the high silver gates, which led to her palace. On the driveway stood an enormous marble statue of Artemis herself, with her bow raised to the sky. In front of her palace was Artemis' temple. Contrary to what others would think, it was quite a small temple. Zeus' temple was the only large one on Olympus. They had enough large ones down in the mortal world.

Behind the temple lay the palace itself. It had several storeys, each with its own balcony. And each balcony had a small forest, complete with animals like deer. Artemis' private chambers were placed on the topmost floor. A large glass door which spanned the entire wall led to the balcony. As usual, there were plants on the top balcony, but it was not as forested as the other floors. This balcony had a couch, and a bed, with a small table beside it. There was also a telescope, which was permanently fixed to show the moon. Sometimes, on full moon nights, Artemis came here, and relaxed in the open air. Sometimes, dealing with her Hunters was tiring work.

Inside, there were several rooms, an armoury, dining room, kitchen, several private bedrooms with adjoining bathrooms. Each room had a nameplate, showing which hunter it belonged to. They were equipped with a bed, and a wardrobe, with a full-body mirror. There was a rack for keeping their bows and daggers. There were not too many things to clutter the place, for the Hunters spent most of their time in the common room, in the balconies, or on the streets. They only came to their bedrooms to sleep.

Every hunter kept their new dagger carefully, it's beauty enchanting, and captivating. They feared that it would not last a day in combat, and would shatter at the first touch with metal. Unlike their old and rough silver knives, these looked.... fragile. They had no idea what it was made of.

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