3. The Hunters Find Out

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Quote of the day :- Praying god will do nothing because god has already had given you a precious life to live so face struggle with your own hard work - by me (personal made).

AN: All credits goes to Uncle Rick, to original writer of this story TheSonofTartarus , last but not least me MYPJOWORLD , duh!


Chapter 3 :- The Hunters Find out

Time: A Few Months Later

The Hunters of Artemis were under orders from Zeus to track down two rogue demigods. These demigods, sons of Dionysus, and Hypnos, had been on the Giants' side during the Second Gigantomachy. They had somehow avoided capture after the War, and were now trafficking young demigods, selling them to monsters and mortals alike to use for their own immoral purposes.

The Hunters, led by their patron goddess, Artemis, sped through the deserted highway, chasing after a black truck, with an unusually long trailer. Despite its behemoth size, the truck sped along with equal speed,giving the Hunters a tough time chasing after it.

They could barely make out the truck, no thanks to the dust cloud it left in its wake. A disadvantage of such a dry climate. After only a day searching, Phoebe, the Hunt's third-in-command, had found a lead on the demigods. They had followed the lead, which had led them onto a dilapidated shack, where they had taken shelter. Inside the shack, they had found plans for their journey through this highway, on their way to sell some demigods to high bidders at an auction somewhere.

Artemis' trained eyes, and sharp
hearing could see everything, though. The beauty of the place was undeniable. The road wound through red sandstone cliffs, as found in the Grand Canyon. Small bushes lined the dusty road, and occasional trees swayed in the strong wind, looking cool and inviting, providing much-needed shelter from the heat and dust. Every once in a while, they would pass a distant isolated house, or a roadside shop. Besides these, the Hunters and the truck were the only signs of life on the long winding road. Endless grassland, and cliffs stretched out as far as one could see, and the highway just went on and on. The Hunters had not seen any signs of habitation for the past hour, when they approached an intersection, where another, smaller road entered the highway. The demigods in the black truck sped past it, not giving a second glance at the Red and blue truck, the armoured army vehicle and the sleek, black and green car, that passed into the highway, from the road.

"Quite a strange combination, in my opinion, Milady. Is it not so?" Artemis turned her head to the side to see that it was her lieutenant, Thalia, who had spoken. Even after such a long chase, when they were sweating and panting profusely, she had time for such things.

"Yes, indeed." Artemis couldn't help but agree. "Do you think that they are allied with the two demigods?"

"I don't..."Thalia was cut off when the demigods slowed down, before coming to a stop. The Hunters
stopped, too, seeing as they weren't going anywhere anytime soon. They could see the rogues get out of the truck and shout heatedly at each other, though they could not distinctly hear anything, despite their enhanced Hunter's hearing.

Unnoticed by the demigods, the red and blue truck, and the sleek car sped past the truck, before turning around, and forming a blockade on the side opposite to the Hunters, while the armoured army vehicle skid to a stop before the black truck. It was almost as if they were surrounding the demigods, preparing for an attack. "Or protecting them." Phoebe chimed in, eyeing all the vehicles assembled.

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