4. The Malfoy's Deal

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Narcissa Malfoy stepped up to her and cupped her guest's knuckles, which were now trembling.
"Ms. Granger, it's almost too easy. You must know Bella was never like that - never really."
Her name - as it was burned under Hermione's skin.
"He made her this - that monster. You have to prevent her from being accepted by the Death Eaters! "
"But how should I?"
Lucius Malfoy frowns. "Use your brain, Granger. My son says you've had enough of it. "
"You don't have to lead her back on the path of virtue, keep her from meeting him. If you pour a glass of punch over her dress, just prevent Bella from meeting him at all costs. "
The brown-haired woman shook her head: "I'm the wrong one for this job."

"Do you think I'm stupid? I've thought about everyone, only you are the right one. You are intelligent, you can move unobtrusively in time, you can gain their trust - "
"I? Her trust?"
Lucius Malfoy folded his arms: "If the price is missing, 100,000 galleons would be enough?"
Hermione's eyes widened, the young woman's jaw-dropping. 100,000 galleons would surely be enough for her journey. She struggled with her conscience. Until she half-heartedly held out her hand.
"Where can I sign?"

A little later in a coffee shop in London
Harry Potter and Hermione Granger sat down at a table, each ordered a hot coffee, the young woman one with milky cream.
The boy who lived adjusted his glasses for a moment and picked up the newspaper.
"I heard you want to go to the Aurors."
Harry looked at his best friend in amazement: "Kingsley said we are now seasoned fighters." He paused for a moment: "I'm sorry for Ron."
Hermione shook her head daringly, "It doesn't have to be, it's better if we stay friends. How's it going with Ginny? "
The young man with the green eyes laughed: "She and Luna are just about to catch up on what she is studying. She just wants to finish her school year. Do you already know what you're going to do, Mione? "
"Not really -" But just as she was about to tell him about her trip, a little snowy owl was sailing in the wind.

The Malfoy messenger landed gently on the tabletop and Hermione took a package from it.
With delicate fingers, she opened the blood-red ribbon and held a box made of pure silver in her hand. Hermione traced the delicate silhouettes, opened the box, and held a pile of photos in her hands.
All are labeled with the date and name.
He looked at a photograph that showed a certain girl.
A girl whose raven-black curls emphasized her playful manner.
A girl she only knew as a monster.
She turned the photo in her hand.
Bellatrix Black 1968

"Mione, what have you got there?"
The young witch put the pile back.
"Nothing, McGonagall just wanted to send me a few more files."
But she knew that this gift did not come from her professor.
Harry said goodbye to her and hugged her hastily.
Now Hermione was alone.

Alone and now she discovered that there was something else. She picked up an object wrapped in fabric and the letter that came with it.

Dear Hermione Granger,
We are pleased that you accepted our offer.
Enclosed you will find photos of her that should help you with your order.
We took care of everything.
You get the money when your job is done.
Keep the letter, if you are successful we may no longer remember our agreement.
Enjoy your trip to 1968,

Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy

Hermione unwrapped the familiar item: "No -"
In her hands, she held a shiny time-turner.
One she hadn't seen in years. She only knew one thing, this was a weapon, which she would protect with her life.

House of the Grangers
The young woman was sitting on the sofa with her parents and watching one of her favorite series.
A few hours ago a small suitcase arrived, again from the Malfoys.
The label read in a fine script - do not open -
She obeyed.
The witch didn't want to take any chances. Hermione was ready to do her end of the bargain and so she found herself in the kitchen of the row house the next day.
Sitting on the floor, she looked at the time-turner. Just a little trip, just prevented the encounter and already be 100,000 galleons richer, this couldn't be difficult.
Ok, admittedly it was Lord Voldemort's most loyal lieutenant.
A murderess.
Hermione grabbed the small suitcase and the silver box and gently turned the time turner in her fingers.
Little by little, it dissolved.
Ultimately, the student disappeared into dusk.
All that remained was a note on the kitchen table.
- Mum, Dad, I'll be away for a minute, Hermione -

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