1. An End And Or A Beginning?

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May 2, 1998


396 people died today, but only one was on her mind.

She saw the pitch-black cloths being stretched. How tears flowed.

396 too many lifes.

But that's how he wanted it.

He wanted war. He who must not be named.

Her steps were so heavy, that they echoed on the stone floor. The stone floor to which the blood sticks so disgustingly. The witch was exhausted.

Exhausted from all the misery. Her knees sagged, her face pressed against the cold stones.

"Hermione, Hermione, where are you?"

A young woman with fiery red hair stumbled through the pleading, yet cheering crowd.

She caught a glance and pulled her up.

"What are you doing there, you have to be honored!"I can't do this, Ginny."

Ginny Weasley tilted her head. Her eyes sparkled briefly, then it went out."Can't you or don't you want to?"

She shook her head in a daze.

But her friend dragged her behind her. Straight up to the teacher's table, in the middle of the great hall.

A tall woman with silver hair and worry lines on her face snorted briefly and handed her her wand.
"Granger, this should be yours."

"Thank you, Professor."

McGonagall turned away, her olive robe flapping around her ankles.

She turned away.


Straight from the castle.

Escaped from her life.

The bridge had been destroyed.

Like all hearts of those who saw their loved ones die.

Hermione sat on the edge of the rubble and looked down.

Down into the abyss.

Until she got a voice out of her thoughts.

The voice of her best friend, who sat down with her and took her hand in his.

"Mine -"Hermione's head fell heavily against his shoulder.

"-We won - we - he -"

"But for what price? Fred, Tonks, Remus - "

Tears pooled in the corner of her eyes. They started to flow.

"For the price of freedom."

"Harry, if this is freedom, I'd rather be locked in a cage."

"Do not say something like that!"

But then she heard steps behind her.

"Mum's with George and Percy, McGonagall said I should talk to you guys."

A red-haired young man took a seat next to Hermione. Ron grabbed the young woman's hand, which withdrew hers.

Harry Potter rose and looked down at his two best friends."I think I have to go to Ginny, you need time-"As soon as the boy who survived passed the stone castle walls, the youngest Weasley brother cupped Hermione's chin.

"Mione, tell me what's going on."He wanted to kiss her, but the brown-haired student avoided him.

"Ron, I can't do this.
"What? We don't have to go to the Burrow - how about the country, to Bill and Fleur? "

Her brown eyes caught the twilight.
"No, you don't understand, I can't - not like this - not with you - not after all that has happened! I do not love you-" Hermione Granger got up and looked at the young man with folded arms. "Too much has happened."

"But I lost Fred - I don't want to lose you too."

Her gaze wandered around: "But you won't lose me - I'm your best friend - I just can't anymore."
This was the moment Hermione turned away.

In which she wanted to leave Hogwarts forever.

But fate is a huge idiot sometimes.

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