Bad news...

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Hey guys so im gonna try update like a lot more now since it's nearly the easter holidays and also my instagram is @25yearsofsass and I'm trying to get 4k soon so it would be great if you followed lol 😄
--Taylors POV--
I was laying in bed rubbing my bulging stomach when I had a call from my private doctor,
Doctor: Um Taylor I have something I need to tell you about your condition..
Taylor: oh gosh what is it now
Doctor: well you would have probably noticed you're showing a lot more than a usual 4 month pregnant woman would show
Taylor: yes?
Doctor: well that's part of the condition, you'll have a lot bigger bump and soon you'll find it difficult to walk due to you being so large
Taylor: well thanks for telling me.. I guess
Doctor: well bye then
Taylor: byeee
As soon as he hung up I stood up and staggered to the mirror lifting my Tshirt up in order to examine my belly
I saw a really large bump, almost as big as a typical lady 9 months pregnant, and I was only 4.
I had a mental breakdown and burst into tears, as soon as I hit the floor I burped, gulping I knew what was gonna happen next.
I jerked up and made a beeline to the toilet vomiting for about 10 minutes then retching and gagging for nearly half an hour.
Retching is worse than vomiting, it leave you so weak and you can't even stop uhh it's annoying.
I weakly walked over to bed climbing in and pulling to covers over me with a sick bowl next to me.
Taylor walked in and sat down beside me,
"How are you feeling sweetie?"
He asked genuinely concerned,
I told him about what the doctor had said to me gulping down the tears staring at my belly. was I really that big?
I had definatly been finding it a lot harder to walk not to mention having to run to the bathroom every 10 minutes.
Goodness I felt so heavy and fat.
"I'm hungry" I whined to Taylor,
"Do you want me to get you some food, are you sure you won't just vomit it back up"
Taylor questioned
"I know for certain I will vomit 70% of it up but it's better than just retching for hours because there's nothing to be sick with.." I replied
Taylor went downstairs to make me soup, he's the best husband ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2015 ⏰

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