Taylor whats wrong

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I crouched over the public toilet trying not to scream in pain, suddenly It felt like somebody was squeezing my stomach, squeezing it over and over, I started crying and got a text from Taylor

Taylor: where are you

I was in too much pain to reply so sent a voice message

Me: Taylor, I can't move if I move people will know something's wrong. My stomach is in agony.

And then I blacked out

When I woke up I was back I bed surprise surprise, when Taylor walked over with the doctor, he said "Taylor, whilst you were sleeping we took some blood samples, and we diagnosed your pregnancy with a very rare condition, unfortunately there's only two options 1) abortion" I immediately gasped and said no way!

Okay what's the other? I questioned, "I'm afraid it is you stay in bed for the rest of your pregnancy and do as little as possible, and you're only 3 weeks pregnant" he announced

Okay, I guess well have to go with the 2nd option...

"Swiftie what about your career?" Taylor asked anxiously

"We are just gonna have the phosphine everything and tell everyone the truth..." I said

The next morning I woke up sweating, my forehead was damp and once again it felt like my stomach was squeezing again and again

taylor walked in "oh yeah, the doctor said with your condition it's like you're in labour for 9 months and the pains your feeling are contractions.. But don't worry, you're not actually having the baby yet"

Well how can we tell when I'm having actual contractions and the baby is actually coming? I asked

"Urmnm well..." Taylor gulped "well.. They get worse apparently, much worse, apparently the pain of being in labour x20..."

I groaned

"But, the doctor says it helps if you scream as if you're in labour when they get really bad... Now try get some sleep" he walked over and kissed me full on

I slept for a while then tried to stand up but the squeezing got worse. I started screaming and screaming and crying but the pain just kept getting worse, like somebody was holding my stomach and squeezing it over and over again but tighter each time until eventually I started vomiting and after I vomited it got even worse if that was even possible.. I took and few steps and screamed for the pain was demanding more and more..

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