You sure swiftie?

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I turned over and looked into his eyes, his dark brown beautiful eyes...

He stared back into mine "you sure about this swiftie? I can wait if you want" he asked me, "no, let's get this over with" I quickly turned over to my bedside table and slipped my purity ring off...

Life had been perfect since I married Taylor last week, absolutely perfect, we were now on a honeymoon in the Maldives for a month, and everything was perfect

Taylor started kissing my neck, up and down, I unbuttoned his shirt, and we started making out..

The day we got back from the honeymoon, we decided to order pizza and have a CSI marathon, I was sitting on the sofa getting the entire series 3 "Swiftie, what pizza do you want?" I replied with "I'll just have what you don't eat, I don't feel so good tonight.." Which was true, recently I had been getting a really tight pain in my stomach but I didn't want to tell Taylor or I might make him concerned, "are you sure you don't wanna just go to sleep if you don't feel so great?" Came Taylor's voice from the kitchen "I'll be fine" I quickly shouted

We were halfway through series 3 when I straightened up to go get a glass of water, I stood up and started walking, immediately I got the tight squeezing pain, and scrunched up "ow ow ow" I exclaimed, "taylor what's wrong are you okay?" Asked Taylor "I'm fine, I get these a lot they'll go in a few minutes, neverless he rushed to the kitchen returning with a icepack and a glass of water, he set them down on the table and picked me up bridal style and carried me to bed, he put me down and went back to get the water "swiftie you're not okay, drink this water" he said, pressing the icepack against my sore belly, I tried to drink a few sips but couldn't cope and threw up just turning my head in time to reach the floor, by now I was in so much pain I couldn't say anything just scream in agony and prise Taylor's hand off my belly.. Then it all went black

When I awoke the next morning Taylor was nowhere to be seen, I tried to stand up and got the pain back again, "Taylor, Taylor I think I'm gonna.." Then I was sick everywhere.. taylor came rushing in and said "don't move sweetie, just stay still" and he got back into bed, he pulled my top up and started rubbing my belly, it didn't help it made it worse, all I could do was scrunch up and take a aspirin, I must've vomited about 7 more times before the pain finally stopped, I tried to clamber out of bed and colapsed, luckily Taylor was there to catch me, "okay swiftie, what's wrong, you're not okay" I replied with "I don't know, I get this tight pain in my stomach that squeezes and squeezes and then it gets too much and I throw up"

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