Ohhhhh no

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I sipped a bit of soup and immediately it curdled and came up, I groaned and snuggled into the sofa trying to ignore the pain, Taylor returned with some aspirin, in liquid form "here, try keep this down" and gave a a few spoonfuls, the sickly sweetness proved too much for my stomach and it immediately came back up, he then tried the same with a tablet, which thankfully stayed down, then he put the blinds down and kissed me and kissed my belly, "here swiftie, put this here and try sleep on your back" he put a icepack on my growing belly and I snuggled down into the soft sofa.

When I awake I immediately ran to the toilet and vomited and then stood up, without trying to walk Taylor came up behind me and held me and hugged me, and started walking me back to bed

I slept for a while and then decided to be brave enough to go out for the first time, but it was just to get some fresh air..

I dressed in a tight clingy top so the paparazzi would realise I was pregnant, I walked into the Main Street trying to ignore the terrible pain I was in, suddenly "TAYLOR, ARE YOU PREGGO?!" Came the booming voice and suddenly I was blinded by flashes. Was it really that obvious I asked myself.

I've learnt that once you give them what they want they go away so I walked up to the crowd of them and pulled my t shirt up exposing my growing belly, they immediately flashed and I walked over in so so much pain, I waked into a public toilet and groaned, I vomited down the toilet then doubled over in the pain I couldn't ignore anymore I pulled out my cell phone

Me: Taylor, I'm gonna faint, I literally can't walk.. Too much pain

He immediately texted me back

Taylor: Swiftie, I'm on my way, just squeeze your belly, it'll help, I'll be with you in 3 mins I'm just leaving

Thank god I had such a sweet caring husband

I was waiting in the toilet when

suddenly I got the stabbing pain again ohhhhh no I exclaimed and crouched over the toilet vomiting and trying not to scream in pain..

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