Cheer practice and Stronger

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*Storm's Pov*

I woke up and Wyatt was still asleep. Willa and Wynter were awake. A bit groggy but awake. "I'm going to get changed. Then I'll wake up him." I said pointing to Wyatt's sleeping body. "Okay." Willa said putting on her vest.
I put on my jeans, chain, my necklace was already on, everything I normally wear but plus a bag tied around my right thigh. I walked out I was met with a jacket to the head. My jacket. "Ack! Wills." I said as I put it on looking at Willa. I walked over to Wyatt and gave him a small shake. "Come babe. Wake Up." I said waking him up. "Eh? I'm up I'm up." Wyatt said getting up. He grabbed a yellow t-shirt and put it on.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention in the previous chapter Wyatt sleeps without a shirt on.
We all walked out so we could eat. "So Storm how did you sleep last night as a wolf?" Willa asked me. "Good. Half way through the night I felt like a 95 lbs wolf was on me. As it turns out that 95 pound wolf was Wyatt." I said looking over at him who just realised what I said. "In my own defence I was asleep so." He said trying to defend himself as I hugged him. "Okay. I believe you. But other than that. All good." I said. As we finished our breakfast we had to run to school but before that Wyatt painted on the beta markings on the left side of my face on my cheek as I am the female beta.
Once we got there not even two minutes in the school Addison came running up to us. "I was so worried about what happened to you. Are you okay?" She asked me. "Yes. The Wolves came and helped me. Only a few bruises but that's about it." I said to her reasuring her.
"That's great that it wasn't to bad of injuries. Also could you please take a look at the speaker? It's not working again." She said/asked me. The speaker has been broken twice before. First time was to water damage. Now good Thor knows what this time. "Okay Addie. Just. Make sure that Chad and Bucky isn't anywhere near there while I'm fixing it." I said remembering the last time I had to fix it and the two of them were annoying me. "Sure thing." She said. "Why did she ask you to fix it Storm? We didn't know that you know how to fix things." Wyatt asked me. "I know how to because my Dad would break something and I would have to try to fix it." I answered him.

Time skip.

I was on the bleachers trying to fix the speaker. I was poking it with my screwdriver. Wyatt looked over my shoulder while I was working. "Do you have it fixed yet?" Zivia asked me looking at us wolves. "No not yet." Willa replied for me. "I am so fired up to be running cheer practice. Together, we can do anything." Addie said coming in smiling after blowing a whistle. Everyone looked behind her to us. "Sorry, but this practice space is for cheerleaders only." She said smiling at us. "Ha! Just try and get us to leave." Wynter announced standing up. "Wynter. Some respect." Wyatt said gently grabbing her left arm. "No, I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay. Show us what you can do. The cheer team is for everyone." Addie said smiling even more at the thought of us wolves joining in on cheer. "Do you have it fixed yet?" She asked me. "No. Not yet." Wyatt replied for me. Suddenly a whole lot of feedback came from the speaker making all of us wolves cover our ears. I gave it a gentle kick on the side and it shut up. All of us wolves started thumping one ear to get hearing back. Two seconds later it started working again. I saw on the back of the speaker a baseball bat sized dent in it. "Chad, Bucky! How many times do I have to tell you, stop hitting speakers with a baseball bat!" I called out to the two drongos. We all stood up and got in our positions. Wyatt and Jacey were my partners for this.

Note that Storm is Addison with Wyatt. Addison is doing the practice with another wolf.

"Five, six, seven, eight!" Zhakira called out. "Yeah. That scruffy, super handsome, fine-smelling Wyatt is really into Storm." Eliza said "You know what?They're just cheering. And laughing." Zed said feeling a bit worried about Storm. "That was so amazing. You are all natural cheerleaders." Addie said to Wyatt. "But I'm sure she's just convincing the wolves to vote for me." Zed said a bit worried for Storm and Addie. "We wolves work well together." Wyatt said hugging me. "But I'm not a wolf." Addie said looking at me for back up. "Hmm." Wyatt said. "I'm not threatened." Zed said worriedly. Suddenly Wynter started coughing and grabbed onto Bree. "Wynter?" Wyatt and I said. I grabbed onto the other side of Wynter scared for her. Once she stopped Bree let go but I still was supporting Wynter just in case. "Well done, Addison. With werewolves on cheer, this election is so in the bag." Bucky said coming in clapping with Chad right behind. Jane came to help support Wynter. "Bucky, this is not about politics. I always just felt like cheer could unite." Addie said pointing at us wolves. "You are going to make a great cheer captain." Chad said when Bucky nudged him. "I'm gonna be cheer captain! I was thinking the team could move beyond trophies and we could start an outreach program." She said getting all happy. "Whoa. Cheer is what
I say cheer's about. And it's about winning." Bucky said smirking."You are a leader, Addison. But of something a lot greater than cheer." Wyatt said to her. Addie looked over to me for back up. "Trust him. He's right." I said. "Zed! Zed!" She called out running off to find the Zombie that took her heart. "Hi, I'm Bucky. Addison's boss. You know you vote for her you vote for me too." He said sticking a flyer up in Wyatt's face.
Wyatt let out a snarl his eyes glowing yellow and his moonstone glowing blue.
"Vote for Bucky. Hey, Bucky Buchanan
for president." He said running off as fast as his legs would let him. I say Addison walk off away from Zed. "I'll be back." I told Wyatt as he nodded. "Zed! What happened. What's wrong?" I asked him. "Werewolves. They're not interested in fitting in." He said angrily.
Yikes. I think I know what happened.
"They're into cheer." I said. "No, they're into you, and you're into him... them." He said. When he said him I knew he meant one wolf.


"What? Why are you acting like this?" I asked him confused. "Do you know how hard it was for zombies? Now everything is just being handed to the werewolves on a silver platter." He said trying to keep his voice down from yelling. "Actually, they hate silver. But I know what you mean." I said shuddering at the thought of silver. "I'm trying to win an election for my people, for you, for Addie. So Addie and I can go to Prawn, so we can be accepted." He said trying not to yell at me as he knows I have level 2 autism. "That's not being accepted. That's being afraid to show who you really are." I said pointing to a sign saying Zed for Prez. But with Zed looking. Human. "Says the girl who hid her scars her whole life." He said realising then what he just said quickly putting his arms Infront of his face thinking I was going to attack him. "Yeah. I did. Because I always felt like an outsider with the amount of scars I have. And even though I might be a werewolf, I still do. You know I don't have a place here. Don't have a zombie crew, I didn't know what I am. So excuse me for respecting a pack of werewolves who are proud of who they are." I said feeling my eyes glowing yellow and my necklace glowing blue. I quickly calmed down. " Look. I'm sorry Storm. I didn't mean that." Zed said quickly apologizing. "I'm sorry too. Look we both need a break. I'll be at the wolf den tonight so that's where I'll be. My phone will be on so if you need to, but please don't, you can call me." I said as he nodded. I walked back in and had to explain everything to my mates. Wyatt looked like he wanted to murder Zed but didn't.

Time skip note this is when Addison is singing Gotta find where I belong.

"You know the bed feels warmer
Sleeping here alone
You know I dream in color
And do the things I want
You think you got the best of me
Think you had the last laugh
Bet you think that everything good is gone" I sang walking through the Forest.
"Think you left me broken down
Think that I'd come running back
Baby you don't know me, 'cause you're dead wrong
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over 'cause you're gone
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
You heard that I was starting over with someone new" I sang walking slowly through the Forest before sitting down on the boulder Willa stood on to howl at Addison a few days ago.
"But told you I was moving on over you
You didn't think that I'd come back
I'd come back swinging
You try to break me but you see what doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over 'cause you're gone
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
Thanks to you I got a new thing started
Thanks to you I'm not the broken-hearted
Thanks to you I'm finally thinking 'bout me
You know in the end the day to left was just my beginning
In the end" I sang looking at a wolf I reckonized as Willa walking towards me.
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over 'cause you're gone
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" I sang standing up as Willa came up
"Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
When I'm alone" I sang with her as she hugged me. "We will always be here for you Storm. The whole pack. Come on. We've got to go get White Hair." She said referring to Addie as White Hair.
"Let's go get her." I said.

A/N I have finally finished the chapter. I am working on the sequel which is set in Auradon. It is the Descendants 1 book with a Zombies 2 twist. Enjoy.

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