-Dear Diary-

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September 1st, 1989. Dear Diary. I believe I'm a good person, and I think there's good in everyone, but here we are. First day of Senior Year, and uh, when I look around at all these kids I've known all my life, I ask myself, what happened? ~ Nico


Dear Diary. It's been 3 weeks since I became friends with the Heathers. Well...Friends isn't the right words exactly. It's more like the Heathers are people that I work with and our job is being popular and stuff. ~ Nico


Dear Diary. The new kid in the flowered shirt managed to fight Kurt and Ram. He won, and fixed his hair afterwards. Nice touch. I think I'm gaining a crush, but I'll attempt to talk to him whenever I see him. ~Nico


Dear Diary. Before Rams party, I met Flowered Shirt Kid, or Thomas, at a 7/11. He told me a bit about himself, turns out his Dad is Big Bud Sanders of Big Bud Sanders Deconstruction Company. In Thomas's own words "He seems to enjoy tearing things down instead of building them".

He bought me a slushie and Heather Chandler drove me to Rams. I got sick, later throwing up on her shoes after I resigned from the Heathers when every guest tried to make fun of Martha. Around 2am, I fell asleep in someone's backyard, turns out it was Thomas's. We then went to Heather Chandlers place and she forced us to make her a hangover cure. Once complete, I gave it to her. And I think I accidentally killed her!!! Now my SAT scores are going to be sent to San Quentin instead!! Thomas convinced me to fake a suicide note and then we left the scene of the crime. ~ Nico


Dear Diary. Heather Chandler is now worshipped more in death than in life. What have I done? ~ Nico


Dear Diary. Thomas's dad will not be speaking at our wedding. ~Nico


Dear Diary. Close call last night. Turns out, Heather Chandler was the only person who could actually control Kurt and Ram. And she is dead. Technically I did not kill Heather, I know that, but I still feel bad. But not as bad as I should. And that makes me feel worse. ~Nico


Dear Diary. Turns out my Senior Year could get any worse. Kurt and Ram started a rumor that we had a three-way, Heather Duke claimed that it's her job to replace Heather Chandler and she began to wear the prized red scrunchie. When Thomas came over to comfort me, I swore I could see this murderous look in his eyes. It's probably nothing. ~ Nico


Dear Diary. Thomas lied to me!! He told me we were shooting Kurt and Ram with "Ich Luge" bullets, apparently they contained this tranquilizer that was meant to make it look like the Jocks were dead. Ich Luge is I Lied in German, meaning we actually killed them. ~Nico


Dear Diary. I'm going steady. Mostly he's awesome, if a bit too rock and roll. Lately he's bumped off 3 of my classmates. God have mercy on my soul. They were just 17, they still had room to grow. They could have turned out good. And now we'll never know. ~Nico


Dear Diary. My teenage angst has a body count. ~Nico


Dear Diary. Apparently, Kurt and Rams dads were hooking up. I could have never expected that, chalk that up for a weird experience. ~Nico


Dear Diary. I told Thomas to stop the murder or else we'll break up. I think he listened. ~Nico


Dear Diary. I'm feeling guilty because I unfortunately had to hurt Martha. She was planning to snoop through Thomas's locker but if she did, then she'd get killed. Hopefully I'm doing the right thing. ~Nico


Dear Diary. Miss Fleming is completely misunderstanding the assignment about creating a safe zone for us. She's literally living vicariously through us and is broadcasting her assembly like it's a Hands Across America campaign. Heather McNamara is now getting mocked at for suicidal thoughts, I have to go. ~Nico


Dear Diary. I saved Heather McNamara and she became my friend. Looks like there is something good in this world. ~Nico


Dear Diary. Guess I was wrong, Thomas is slipping back into his old ways. I then promptly ended things with him. This will not be good. ~Nico


Dear Diary. I was right about Thomas starting up the murder spree again. While I'm hiding in my closet, He shared his plan of bombing school during the pep rally and making it look like a mass suicide. I found a sheet and rigged it to make it like I hanged myself. Thomas then broke in and lamented over my faux dead body. I heard my Mom come in to bring me a snack so Thomas fled my room. After scaring my Mom, I grabbed my croquet mallet to confront Thomas. ~Nico


Dear Diary. The irony here is that I didn't get a chance to write a suicide note. ~Nico


Dear Diary. High school is now Beautiful. ~Nico

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