-Soulmate Words-

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"Is that guy talking to himself?" has been written on my left hand for all my life. In case you're wondering, I do talk to myself. Is that weird? Or is it a product of my awkwardness?

I brush off that thought off as I close my locker shut and walked my way to the library. After finding a book, I sit at a table and read. I heard someone place their backpack down after spending 15 or so minutes reading

I slowly look up from my book and see a familiar computer and backpack. It was Nico Flores. Resident Music Genius and Croquet Champion. Also my crush. I adjust my hoodie strings in nervousness when I see something prominent on his backpack

He has a shiny brand new pin on his backpack. It's above his Croquet Mallet pin and Piano Pin but across his Rose Pin and Raspberry Pin. The new pin was square and has 6 lines, one for each color of the rainbow. He has a Pride Pin? He has a Pride Pin!

Nico caught me staring so I quickly retreated back to my book, I continued to eye his Pride Pin once Nico got back to doing whatever he does on his computer

I then got poked so I turned to see my Creativity and Morality, they keep saying to pursue Nico but of course my Anxiety and Logic step in or sink in I guess to say that confrontation isn't in my wheelhouse

All four versions of me embarrass and make a fool of myself while trying to talk to Nico or not. Anxiety forcibly brought me over to the library entrance when I bumped against the door. I regain composure after silently cursing myself for bumping into yet another thing after being thrown all over the library

I opened the door but it wouldn't budge! I then tried to force it open but no use. I then saw a notice on the librarians desk, saying that the library is closing earlier because of renovations. I noticed Nico was getting up from his seat and I was very nervous over telling him we're locked in the library

I then hid behind the librarians desk, hearing Nico be very confused about being trapped until he saw the notice. All of my sides sink down so that my Anxiety and Awkwardness don't get worse as I heard Nico's footsteps come closer to my hiding spot

Nico then finds me, great

Hi, we're both stuck in the library if you didn't see the notice and the door is locked

I tried to open the door but it was no use

Oh. If you're hungry then I have some granola bars, but they might be somewhat squished

My ears perk up at the mention of food, so I was given a relatively squished granola bar but I didn't complain

After eating, I placed the wrapper in my hoodie pocket. I then realized that I was now bored. Nico helped me get up from the floor and we did things to pass time while stuck in the library. I notice that Nico's sleeve was pulled up from passing time, his words were on full display for me at least

"He has a Pride Pin? He has a Pride Pin!"

Are we soulmates?

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