-Old Couch-

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Thomas spat out his gag, glaring at Nico from the backseat of his car

This is hardly following regulation-

Nico yanked hard onto the steering wheel, sending his car spinning into an empty parking lot. Nico turned in his seat, facing Thomas with his eyes blazing as Thomas's eyes almost shrank back

We're both on the run from the entire government, I don't trust your evil butt not to stab me in the back either figuratively or literally, and I am this close to losing my temper

Nico held up his hand so he can show Thomas that his thumb and index finger were already touching

So if you spit out that gag one more time, I'm going to stop at the nearest convenience store and buy something that'll really shut you up. Understand?

Thomas's unmasked eyes narrowed

Why don't you come back here and try me?

Jump cut to Nico coming back from the nearest convenience store which he coincidentally parked into back when he spun the car, in his hands was a heavy duty roll of grey duct tape.

He opened Thomas's car door, ripped off a piece of the duct tape and stuck it on his mouth. Around Thomas's hands and behind his back was a pair of shiny silver handcuffs so he couldn't take the tape off

Nico then took off the gag from earlier then closed the door, going back into the front seat and drove to his house

Nico unlocked his house, reluctantly letting Thomas in. He sat Thomas down on his couch, debating on whether or not he should remove the duct tape and handcuffs. He thought about that for a moment as he was making something quick and easy food wise since he didn't buy any snacks at the convenience store earlier

After settling on some raspberries, Nico threw one into the air and caught it then ate the rest like what a typical person would do. He settled on removing the duct tape and handcuffs so that Thomas could breathe and eat and talk along with using his hands again

Nico then removed the tape covering Thomas's mouth and took off his handcuffs

Hopefully the government doesn't find us at my place. In the meantime, you're on the couch tonight because of what you did in the car

Nics, please can I stay in your bed

No. My house, your couch. You bought it for me, remember?

I just wanted to be nice! And you're still hung up about that?

Thomas, a couch is a lame anniversary gift. Especially since we started dating a year ago, you could have gotten me flowers or something

Your last name is Flores! You have tons of flowers here, the couch you had back then was old so I decided to get a replacement for you

I've had that couch forever no wonder why it's old. Couch aside, there's blankets and stuff in the linen closet. Set up your space yourself. I'm going to work on my songs in my room then go to bed, don't disturb me or else the tape and cuffs are going back on

Nico then left his living room, leaving Thomas alone. He went to the closet and found some blankets. He went back to the couch, making a makeshift bed so that he could sleep tonight. He then remembered that he doesn't have any clothes or toiletries so he decided to ask Nico

Conveniently, a plastic bag full of the clothes Thomas has over Nico's house was outside Nico's room door. A small pile of toiletries was on top of the clothes. Thomas got ready for bed and slept on the couch

It's now late at night, Thomas decided to apologize to Nico by finding his old couch. Lucky for him, Thomas has his phone on hand so he scoured the Internet for Nico's old couch. A quick search on Craigslist and a mug of coffee later, Thomas successfully found Nico's old couch

After getting confirmation on delivery, Thomas went back to bed. In the morning, Thomas woke up to the sound of breakfast being made. Nico made some for himself, still upset/angry from last nights events.

Because of being on the governments blacklist, both Nico and Thomas can't risk leaving Nico's house in case they get spotted or something so the boyfriends are forced to be stuck inside with each other

Nico left for his room before Thomas got a chance to say good morning, leaving Thomas alone once again. He made himself a quick breakfast using what ingredients Nico has in his house, watching some TV while eating it

For some odd reason, the news piqued his attention instead of something else

Unmasked assailant The Storyteller escaped from a scene where he was about to be arrested. He got into a silver sporty Hybrid Coupe by turning around and opening the door using his bound hands then got driven away by an unknown person. Search Parties are looking for The Storyteller as we speak, we'll get back to you once we have more details

Thomas turned off the TV, on the fence about telling Nico what was on the news. He decided to tell him so that he knows about what's happening. Thomas walked to Nico's room, hesitantly knocking on the door. After a few minutes, Nico answered wearing what he wears to work

What is it? I have to leave for work

Leave? I thought we were forced to stay here since we're both on the government's blacklist. The news knows about what happened last night and it identified your car during the report. Can't you work at home or something?

No, I'm a bartender in my off time. I have to show up and make drinks there to make my living, not on Zoom or something. Besides, I can ride my bike to work

Nico walked past Thomas, opening up the front door to see his old couch

How? Where did you find this?

Craigslist, I wanted to make up to you so I decided to find your old couch

Nico and Thomas dragged the couch inside the house then dragged the one that replaced it outside, making a sign that says Free Couch. Nico started feeling better and less angry from last nights events after he and Thomas brought in his couch

Bye, Thomas

Nico said then kissed Thomas's cheek and left for work. Thomas smiled, happy that Nico forgave him

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