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Obey the rules in Thomas-Land was the last thing Thomas coughed out to me before he got whisked away. That ran through my head as I was falling down and down

Wind kept rushing in my face as I was going deeper and deeper down the hole, I eventually reached the bottom. My sight was fixated on everything. This isn't what the stories say

It was always described as being magical and fantastical. Now it's....corrupted. I stand up and dust myself off before opening Thomas's journal. I flipped through, seeing all the pages blank except one. It was a list of 5 rules, all were very cryptic and specific

The Rules of Thomas-Land
1) Dont smoke from a snake's pipe
2) Dont play a single game of croquet
3) Dont drink the Mad Duke's tea, it's poison
4) Dont listen to the Beast's nonsense
5) Dont lose your head at the "King's" orders

But at the bottom of the page, there were 2 sub-rules telling me what to do

6) Follow the Cheshire Cat
7) Help the Blind Prince see again

Easy enough, hopefully. Rulebook in hand, I walk until I see an open door. I hesitated at first until I heard a voice. It was smooth as silk, although it sounded dangerous and deceptive as well

Step into my bar, young man. I don't bite

I eventually go through the door, seeing a man smoking a pipe behind the bar. Remember, don't smoke from it

Greetings, young man. May I offer a puff?

No, thanks. I'm not a smoker. But thanks for asking, where's the-

I insist, please do

I'm fine, really

Oh well, more for me then. Unless...

The man snaps, the pipe transforms into a yellow snake. It slithered up his jacket arm, seeing his neck. I try to stop it from biting him but with one swift strike, the man gets two puncture wounds on his neck. He laughs as he transforms as well

Half his face now has very distorted scales, the were more swirly lines then snake scales. The eye on the scaled side became a bright yellow. His tongue became forked and he started to hiss at me. The snake became a pipe again

Thatssss better. Assss I wasss sssaying. Pleassse take a sssmall puff from my pipe

But the rules say-

Ssscrew the rules! Take one sssimple sssmoke!

I ignore him and try to find the exit. The man laughs and blows out a big puff of smoke. I cough, then my eyes readjust to see a large maze made of smoke. I try to find an exit, the ground only has trails of very oxided Granny Smith apple cores. Following them all lead to dead ends. I was stuck until I saw a purple cat

The cat circled around my feet and brought me over to a trail of mushrooms. It disappeared with a grin on its face. The man started to chase me so I ran down the mushroom trail, the man shouted at me to take a smoke. Acting fast, I threw a mushroom from the trail towards the man which hit his eye. A perfect distraction for my exit

Going through the door exiting the man's domain, I see a perfect lawn with a croquet set up. Another man was playing with a light blue hedgehog as a ball and using a light blue flamingo as a mallet. His light blue bow tie has the same swirls like the distorted scales from the previous man

I refer to the rules again and remembered that I'm not supposed to play. The man spots me

Pig! Come here!

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