-We Can Fly-

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We break down and we break through
Cause we can't touch the sky
Like sometimes we can get a little closer
If we let go
Stop trying to hold the world
Been through the fire...

Been through the fire

Been through the f-


Hopefully coming to the mall will help my motivation. So far there's been nothing, only these lyrics and a 60s disco aesthetic. Sometimes home can be distracting so I go somewhere else to get even more distracted

While mindlessly thinking of newer lyrics, something fell on the linoleum tiled floor. A trashcan. Strangely it had a pair of legs sticking out of it. I then turned my attention back over to my computer screen, with my mind still empty

Hmm. The guy from the trashcan left his food. Whatever it was, it smelled of carrots. Then I remembered the Karrot King stand in this food court. I saw him about to leave so I ran over to him

Hey! There you are, I was afraid you'd left. You almost forgot your food!

I proudly hold up the brown paper bag like I rescued a damsel in distress from a burning building. The guy reluctantly took his food from me. After some awkwardness, I then turn to leave in the opposite direction. Better luck next time when motivation strikes again

Then the guy moved. Not like he walked over to me but rather pushed by some unseen force. I kept hearing him talk to himself during the time at the mall


Hey. Do you want this food? I...don't

Then why did you buy it?

Well it's probably...you know. MAYBE I was trying to see your backpack

Wh-uh, MY backpack?

Yeah...I wanted to see if you had any...pride pins...on your backpack, because I didn't feel comfortable asking because you seemed kind of preoccupied? And I didn't want to bother you, but if you DID have one, which I saw that you do, and I'm SO sorry if that's creepy...then it might have been that bothering you was...worth it? Because it have meant that I have a chance with you which would have been amazing because I think you're really...cute

Oh my gosh, you could have just said hi

Oh-oh yeah?

Yeah, I had writers block anyway

Oh! Uh...what were you trying to write? Uh Misterrr...

Mister Flores. But you can call me Nico if you like

Mister Sanders. But you can call me Thomas

To answer your question, I was ATTEMPTING to write a song

Oh! I like...songs. What's yours about?

Uh...I don't know yet. I think I like the idea of someone's life, or an aspect of their life feeling...like a trash can. And the waste is piling up...and piling up...until it INEVITABLY spills out...into the rest of their life. That and I also have some lyrics and 60s disco sounds

You saw me knock over that trash can, didn't you?

That was you??

OH-gosh-yes! Dang it!

~through a laugh~
Are you okay??

Ugh...nothing but a bruised ego. Ha ha...

Sorry if my song explanation uh hit a little too close to home

No, it's fine. It's true! I do tend to...waste a lot of opportunities in my life

~small laugh~
~holds up Karrot King bag~
Let's not waste this one

We talk and before I leave, I hand Thomas a napkin with a message scrawled in generic blue pen

Thanks for the song inspo!

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