🌱| Marriage?

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Running, which became my new reflex action brought me to the doorstep of the house.
I remember I've been crying and so to avoid further questions from Teeya and deadly looks from Mma Memuna I stopped at the entrance, cleaned my face and of course rehearsed my cheerful "Aninwula". Fully convinced with all the necessary adjustments I stepped in.

The yard was surprisedly quiet, I figured out Mma Memuna was having her usual evening nap and quickly, but sure not to make noise, I sneaked into the room. Teeya was no where to be found. What just happened put a heavy load on my heart, and I needed to just offload it, and there'd be no other person to receive this than Teeya. Of course, she needs to know.

I run out of the room checking around for her whereabout,Was she out? Not giving in, I checked the isolated kitchen, which was as usual in thick black smoke. The kitchen was carved out of a small mud hut and it had very little or no spacing for utensils lest alone for movement. The ventilation of the room was poor as it had only one opening for air to pass both in and out. Towards the corner of the room lay two gaint but hollow stones with firewood secured in the middle.
It was was of no surprise that the room was thick with smoke from the burning of the firewood.

As I tried adjusting my eyes through the smoke, I finally saw her. She was seated on a stool, engulfed in the thick dark smoke, staring blankly, she didn't even realize my presence.

The smoke from the kitchen was all over, and I let out some heavy coughs as I made my way through. I realized I had woken her up from her reverrie. As I drew nearer, I noticed she'd been crying. It was weird, irregular and out so of place.

"Teeya!", in a soothing manner I caressed her at her back." "How are you even seated here with all this smoke, Hey get up".

I helped her out of the kitchen and we made ourselves comfortable on a mat at the courtyard. She looked so miserable, her eyes sullen probably from so much crying.

"Are you gonna tell me about it or are you gonna let us sit here as miserable as ever", I queried tired of the silence

"They were here, they have come to take me. I don't want to go , I want to be here, Kumbungu, I want to go to school, I don't want that life", Teeya mumbled in a tone that was sure but pained.

"Wait what? Teeya what do you mean?Who are the they? Which life are you talking about"

'Two days, two days and my whole life will be blown away! Shenelle please help me, help me"

Now Teeya was being so ambiguous and strange. I urged her to quit speaking in parables and let me understand her as my patience was running out. I mean this is not how I planned out conversation to be, I wanted to tell her about what happened with Tim and now she is doing the talking.

She let out a few more sobs as she gathered momentum to speak
"This morning, they were here to take me away, I should be happy but no my heart is heavy. I didn't even know of their coming, I just bumped into the entourage here. Apparently, they paid off my Sadachi( bride price) to my dad at Savelugu, He received it and gave them the go ahead with the marriage rites. In the Dagomba culture, when the bride price is paid 90% of the rites is performed. Shenelle I've given up, my life is doomed
I mean how could he? He is a selfish old man.
My distant Auntie came along, she told me my Dad was owing a wealthy man at Savelugu
He borrowed so much that he could not pay. The man threatened to kill him if he didn't pay within a required time. My Dad who feared for his life decided to use me as collateral.

"Teeya, who is this wealthy man?"

"I'm told he is called Alhaji Think Twice. He is a renowned "Nakwahu"(butcher) in and beyond. His real name is Sulemana Iddi, so I'm told.
I heard he has six wives, and I will add up as the seventh. He married his sixth wife early this year and now me, two women in one year! He is known for selecting only young girls old enough to be his daughters as wives.
My findings confirmed my fears, I found out he was stingy, irresponsible and short tempered. He has no regard for women and sees us as child bearing machines. He is known for  beating up his wives mercilessy.
Shenelle I'm scared, I mean this is someone I've never seen my whole life. No wonder my late mother, ran down to Kumbungu for me to have an education and live with Mma with all these scavengers how could I? I miss her, I know she would never have allowed this to happen. She made the mistake of getting married to a lazy, irresponsible drunkard and a Dagorili( womanizer ) for that matter, See how he is selling me out like I'm a piece of rag.

Since your mom is not here, can't Mma Memuna stop them, She is your mom now?

Wooi (Expression) Shenelle I wish it was that Easy. Females have no say! We are like children in the eyes of men. Plus, men have 100% ownership of the child and once my useless father is still alive all his decisions for me are yea and amen.

"Hmm, Well Whoever, this Alhaji think Twice is he certainly isn't thinking twice about this
I get your point. I can't imagine you living with that beast. I will never allow this as your sister.
You know if there is something I'm good at it is certainly running

Huh, Shenelle what are you insinuating?

He wants a "collateral", then a collateral he gets. So roughly we have a day more. Girl wipe your tears and leave it to me.

How? Shenelle How? The two days is not even enough, and no time could be further bought.
Mma Memuna tried to manage affairs, she pleaded that instead of they carrying me to his house today, they should come in two days time. Then she'd have time to adequately prepare me for marriage. They were even reluctant to agree, but they did finally.
I've tried to speak to Mma Memuna, but all she has done so far is lock herself up in the room since morning, when they left. I dont know what she is doing and I the clock is ticking.
Shenelle I can't get married at eighteen!

Throughout our talk the only thing I could think about was Timtooni. Not in that manner, but that when you know a person can be of help. I don't know why but I think he'd be of massive help. Truth be told, my heart feels he would help but my brain is doing the direct opposite. I mean this is somebody I ran away from and in less than 24 hours, I'm running back to his arms. My ego wouldn't let me. How is it going to be? I can't look straight at him without remembering what just happened, how am I going to focus?

"Let's include Timtooni, before you say anything Teeya, we have no time and it is all fit the greater good"

Timtooni, Teeya sounded through her Sobbs

Mhmm, think about it. He have to act now. The wedding day is almost her. Teeya wipe your tears and get ready for war

Shenelle, I'm ready. There is no way I'm getting married to Alhaji Think Twice. Let's leave after Mma has eaten, that is if only she comes out.

Hey, Cheer up. I'm here with you and for you.
We are going to get through this, trust me.

Teeya let out a wide grin as she wipped off the tears with the back of her palm.
"What would I do without you?", She asked jokingly.

Hmm I guess if the wages of sin is death then the wages of not having me is.....

Herh Nyini (You)

We both gave out loud laughs as we headed back into the kitchen to make supper.

As soon as Supper was ready we dishes it out for Mma, She was still not out. I wonder why she chose to lock herself leaving Teeya to her fate.

In no time, we were standing face to face with Mr. kisser guy. It felt weird at first, but I had to do it for Teeya. For once I was glad she didn't know. We both concealed it well, and focused on the issue at hand.

Indeed Timtooni was of immense help.
He had his guards go down to Gushe, to investigate on Alhaji think Twice, Teeya's dad and the so called things he owed.
We schemed that midnight of the day of the wedding Timtooni gets Teeya out of Kumbungu to a friend's in a nearby village.
I would remain, dress like Teeya, in her bridal regalia and then "give Alhaji Think Twice a taste of his medicine".

Believe me when I say I don't know how this plan would end up, I'm however optimistic that everything will be okay.

You know, that saying strong girls don't cry for nothing. Well today that was proved point blank. Some of us cry about trivial things but hey, when strong girls like Teeya cry  you should know there is an issue, a big gigantic one for that matter.
Marriage??...That is a no–no


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