Mitch x childhood friend! reader Part 3 (Final part)

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Requested: Rukie_Ruks

Read the last two parts to understand. 

Leaving off from part 2

Pronouns: She/her

1st POV


There wasn't any place to hide to avoid Mitch. I kept my head down so we didn't have to look at each other. We walked passed each other.

"Wait. WHO ARE YOU?" Mitch yelled. Making me freeze in place.

I kept quiet.

"WHO ARE YOU?" Mitch yelled again.

"I'm a new tech who started a few weeks ago." I finally spoke. I didn't face him but I could hear his foot steps walking closer towards me.

"Show me your face." Mitch demanded.

"Do I have to?"



"Because I said so."

"No I won't."

I felt a hand on my shoulder and spun me around.


"Hi Mitch." I said, not making eye contact with him. 

"Why are you here?" with a small annoyance tone. 

"I told you. I got a job here a few weeks ago." 

"But you didn't think about me still being here." 

"I thought you would've quit because I've never met someone who has stayed at a retail job for years."

"I wouldn't want to quit this job anyways. This job is amazing. It's a real life video game."

"Yeah, whatever. Bye" I said walking off. 

Mitch didn't try to stop me this time. Once he was out of sight. I ran towards the women's bathroom. 

I pushed the door open and ran into a toilet stall. I locked the stall's door and closed the toilet's lid to sit on top of.  I pulled my knees to chest and buried my face into my knees. I cried quietly in the bathrooms. 

"You've could've done something else (Y/N) but you stupidly stood there." I said to myself. 

"You could've run away from him. You could of done one more mission before taking a break."

Until I heard the bathroom doors open. I still continued to cry quietly. I waited for them to leave but it until like they never did. 

"Is someone in here?" they asked. 

"Yes." I said, trying not to sound like I was crying. 

"You okay?"

"Kind of I guess." 

"Do you mind if you come out?" they asked, politely. 

"Yeah, I can." 

I opened the stall's door to reveal Zahra standing at a sink fixing her eyeliner. I walked over towards a sink and began to wash my hands. 

"I saw you run off. Why is that?" Zahra asked. 

"Um you know my former friend Mitch, right?" I responded.

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