Mitch x Glitch Tech! Reader

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(sorry about the image)

(In this story you are a Glitch Tech. I hope you like it)

(Kinda season 2 stuff in it)

3rd POV

It was just a normal day for the town of Bailley. As the sun light came into (Y/N)'s bedroom. (Y/N) woke up from the sound of the alarm. (Y/N) got out of bed to get ready for a work day of fighting glitches. (Y/N) got changed into her Hinobi uniform. She when to her kitchen to get some breakfast before she left for work. 


(Y/N) phone buzzes from a notification. She turns on her phone to reveal a text message from Mitch. 

Mitch (on text): Hey (Y/N). You coming into work today?

(Y/N) (on text): Hey Mitch. Yes, I am coming into work today. I like I do all most everyday. 

Mitch: Cool! See you at work. 

(Y/N) continues to get ready for her day as a Glitch Tech. After 15 minutes of getting ready. (Y/N) was ready to leave for work. She unlocked her front door and walked out of her house ready to start another day of being a Glitch Tech. (Y/N) got her bag, walked out the door then locked it. Today an average day. The sun shined and it was partly cloudy. (Y/N) walked to work. She doesn't like to call an uber to take her to work. It all depends on the weather. It only took (Y/N) 15-20 minutes to get to work. (Y/N) made her way to work. The streets were partly quiet since it was still a little early to be awake. But it was only 8 in the morning. 

(Y/N) got to work at 8:15am. It was quiet. As usual. (Y/N) made her way towards the locker room. She was greeted by the one and only Zahra. 



I made my way towards my locker. Zahra followed behind you. I didn't think much of it. I opened my locker and placed my bag into it.

"SOOOO, (Y/N). What's up with you and Mitch?" asked Zahra peeking over my shoulder. I froze in shock and confusion. I took a deep breath in and let it out. 

"What are you talking about Zahra?" I questioned Zahra as I put my hands on my hips. Zahra smirked. 

"You know what I'm talking about (Y/N). You and Him have been doing a lot of missions together recently." Zahra replied in kinda a sarcastic tone. I look at Zahra and rose my eyebrow. I didn't want to say anything back although Zahra was right. Mitch and I have been doing a lot of missions together recently. 

I looked at Zahra then turned around. Zahra continued to smirk at me. I ignored it. I got my things and close my locker. I walked towards the main lobby of the headquarters. Since the Hinobi store isn't open until 10am. Not many missions come until around 9. I waited around until Mitch came out of no where. 

"Okay (Y/N). Mitch is making his way towards you. If he offers you something you most decline it. But he is one of my closest friends. It would be rude."  I thought. Mitch continues to make his way towards me as I just stood their, looking at my gauntlet. 

"Hey there (Y/N). You ready for an awesome day to catch more glitches?" Mitch said in a cocky tone. I didn't know what to say. 

"Hi Mitch. Yes, I am ready for an awesome day." I replied looking up from my gauntlet. Mitch looked at the leader board. Of course Mitch was at the top of the leader board. I wasn't far behind from Mitch. 

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