Orophin's Lullaby

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The Scarletfox walked through the halls of Imladris, it was night once again but she found herself too restless to sleep. She hoped to come by Gandalf but deep down she knew he had left already. So the elleth simply let herself be consumed by the starlight.
"The answers you seek may be closer than you think." A soft voice echoed through her head, one that she recognized from somewhere. "Come to me child."

Her feet carried her to a stone table where she saw a blade covered in a black cloth. She had the urge to unfold the cloth. The rangers eyes were then distracted by the elf standing on a small grey balcony over the sea. Her long gold hair flowed past her waist, waving down her back elegantly. A cyrstaline white gown adorned her body reflecting the moonlight beautifully. Lady Galadriel.

"You are right to question," The lady of Lothlorien spoke in a soft voice descending down the stairs gracefully, "I know who it is you search for and I can tell you your search has not come to an end. Though finding what it is you seek will cause not only joy, it will cause you pain."

"Am I Amalia?" She asked the question that had so often been on her mind. Galadriel knew the answer but it was not hers to give to the elleth.  She did know however that the this ranger was much older than one would think. Her shoulders held the weight of ages just as hers did.

"You are and you are not. You doubt the visions of your mind and rightfully so." Galadriel's voice turned ominous when continued and as she reached the final sentence she began walking away. She looked and felt even more lost than she had before.

For once she would like a straight answer, a direction, something or anything that would lead her the right way. Was that so much to ask... perhaps it was.

Her attention returned to the blade on the table. Unable to resist she approached fully aware that there were approaching footsteps behind her. She lifted the cloth to see a black blade.. one she had seen before, though the memory seemed clouded and unreachable.

"A relic of mordor." Elrond's voice spoke behind her but she did not turn.

"I have seen this blade before..." She ran her fingers along the sheath feeling the chilled leather. It sent shivers down her spine to touch such a weapon and as she did she saw the blade in combat but not through her own eyes.

"That is not possible." He replied swiftly with his eyes on Her. He did not think she would have seen this particular blade before. She could feel the burning of his relentless gaze.

"Not through my own eyes." She whispered partially mumbling. "It does not feel right. It does not belong." She felt a tingle in her fingers that soon became sharp pinpricks but she did not recoil. Her scarlet eyes closed with a deep inhale that soon became a nightmare. With a bright flash she could see Dol Guldor and in the shadows crept a foe that would not show itself just yet. Amaliaaaa. The shadow called her eerily, I will find you... he is waiting for you.

She forced herself to push away causing her hand to tremble and drop the blade. It clattered back into its original place noisily. The voice she had heard was not of the living world, nor was a good for her sanity. She decided that no know could know of this so she locked away the memory and turned away from Elrond. She bid him goodnight with hastey words, too hastey. Elrond may suspect something now but maybe that wasn't such a bad thing. The elf lord had to know something that Amalia didn't. How odd it was to be called a name she did not quite know was her own.


For the first time in a long time Amalia wept, truly wept. By finding Gandalf she had hoped to be closer to finding Orophin and knowing who she was but instead it seemed she was even farther from finding him.
Adorning her toned body was a long flowing silver gown that spilled around her from where she sat. Her feet hung off the side of a high balcony. Folds of the dress hung off as well, brushing against her shins. The moon was setting and Amalia had gotten no sleep, not that she needed it, her tired form leaned against a pillar beind her and a railing beside her from the corner she sat in. The peaceful breeze and the ruffling of the leaves joined by the falling of silver water was almost a lullaby. Slowly her eyes began to close.

"Orophin!" Amalia yelled tossing and turning in her bed, a nightmare raging in her mind. The frightened young half-elf let tears stream down her face calking for her brother until he came running into the room setting his sword down when he saw her.

"Calm down. It's alright, Amalia." Orophin brushed her crimson hair aside and wiped the tears from her cheeks. "It was just a dream." He comforted her while sitting down on the edge of the bed. She leaned against him sniffling from the night terror she had.

"Will you sing to me?" She asked looking up into his sapphire eyes. He only looked back with a gentle gaze for a long while and the silence set in. Amalia could hear the rain falling against the window and running along the roof. The low rumble of a passing thunderstorm still echoing in the sky.

"Wandering child of the earth
Do you know just how much you're worth?
You have walked this path since your birth
You were destined for more," Orophin sang with a soft melodic voice, a beautiful calm melody that he often sang to her

"There are those who'll tell you you're wrong
They will try to to silence your song
But right here is where you belong
So don't search anymore

You are the dawn of a new day that's waking
A masterpiece still in the making
The blue in an ocean of grey
You are right where you need to be
Poised to inspire and to succeed
You'll look back and you'll realize one day

In your eyes there is doubt
As you try to figure it out
But that's not what life is about
So have faith there's a way

Though the world may try to define you
It can't take the light that's inside you
So don't you dare try to hide
Let your fears fade away

You are the dawn of a new day that's waking
A masterpiece still in the making
The blue in an ocean of grey
You are right where you need to be
Poised to inspire and to succeed
You'll look back and you'll realize one day

You are the dawn of a new day that's waking
A masterpiece still in the making
The blue in an ocean of grey
You are right where you need to be
Poised to inspire and to succeed
Soon you'll finally find your own way" Amalia closed her eyes feeling the low hummimg in Orophin's chest and his steady heart beat. His fingers ran through her long hair lulling her to sleep.

"Don't go, Orophin." She murmurred clutching his shirt.

"I would never leave you alone, Amalia." He replied lovingly, "No matter where you go, little one, I will always be with you."

The memory felt .... planted.


(Elrond POV)

Elrond ascended the stairs to his library, it was early dawn. The sun had just crept over the horizon barely giving off enough light for him to read. A flicker of red caught his eye and he turned towards it. He found himself approaching the balcony only to see Amalia. The elleth was sitting with her back to the corner, legs hanging off the edge dangerously. He was about to turn away when he noticed her eyes were closed.
A smile graced his lips before he could stop it. She looked like a magnificent portrait, so peaceful like this. There was no worry in her eyes now or concern painted on her face. Elrond found himself unable to disturb her, he did not want to end her moment of peace. Instead he approached quietly and waited with hands clasped behind him.

"The visions are not my own. You know this do you not?" A voice smooth and calm stirred the silence but did not necessarily break it. "What do you know?"

"It will be revealed to you, Amalia."

"That is not my name is it?" Question only met with silence. It was enough of an answer though. Her name was not Amalia. She was not the girl in the house fire. The memories were not hers no matter how familiar they felt to her. She could only wonder who she was and who those she saw were.


Here's a short chapter just because I heard this song today and it was perfect so... its called "wanderer's lullaby" by Adriana Figueroa. The picture at the top is an idea of where Amalia was sitting.


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