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Amalia had been told what the dwarves true mission was. They would take back Erebor, but to what extent. She wondered if they would really risk waking Smaug, however, her main concern was Laketown. Her former home, or what was the home in her visions, was so close to the lonely mountain and Amalia was not one to sit idly by and wait to hear news of the doom.

*                                       *                                   *

The ranger was armed and packed, her sword at her hip and her dagger at the other. Her bow and quiver had been repolished and she had a new set of elven arrows. Her dark cloak hung from her shoulders though her hood was down.

Amalia approached Lord Elrond's study hoping to find him there. Normally she would leave with no warning at all but Elrond was the one who had informed her of the danger. She knew that he most likely expected her to be leaving but she would tell him all the same.

"I must go to ..." Amalia began but Elrond turned sharply and interrupted her.

"I know." He stated bluntly, "but you will not go unprepared." Elrond approached and Amalia gave a shallow smile hoping he would not see through the barrier around her emotions. In truth she was frightened.

"And I am going with you!" Elora ran into the room breathing heavily and holding her auburn staff. A dark brown cloak hung from her shoulders and she was dressed in her usual attire. Amalia gave a confused look to which the young Elora smirked. "You think I'd let you go alone. Hah, don't be daft." Elora always seems to be so cheery. Mortals often were.

"I will welcome the company." Amalia smiled back. Though the ranger was used to traveling alone it would be a nice change. Especially since she would be gaining the help of one with magic.

"Lindir is preparing your horses, you'll find enough supplies to get you to Laketown in the saddle bags." Elrond looked out over the ocean. The air seemed to grow heavy and Amalia looked back for Elora but found the woman had left. Amalia had never been good at reading people but she knew something wasn't right.

"I looked into your future." Elrond stated briefly, it caught her attention immediately and she approached to stand next to him. "I know I cannot prevent you from going to Laketown. This is your home."

"I do not call Laketown home." She shook her head but still didn't understand what was wrong. "Those memories are not... they feel unattached to me. Like a fog that I can see and yet it hides the truth behind its white wash. What have you seen?"

"Your future holds death." He turned to face her and Amalia said nothing. She had only one question. An obvious question.

"Who? Whose death?" Amalia hoped he was wrong, she did not want to see more death.

"Your own and many others." His brow furrowed and Amalia could swear she saw the glimmer of tears in his eyes.

"This is not good bye." Those were the only words she had for him. She had never said a goodbye as hard as this one. She simply refused to think of it as goodbye, to her it was just like any of her other expeditions. With nothing else left to say Amalia turned around and began walking away.

"I will not die." She paused without turning to face him, instead she put a hand on the archway and barely glanced over her shoulder. "that I swear. I am not so easily killed."

"Indeed." Elrond replied, Amalia could sense the despair that hung heavily in air. It was like a thick unrelenting cloud that suffocated the words from her throat.

*                                      *                                     *

Amalia mounted the dark stallion Elrond had given her with a hint of sadness in her heart. She had an unfamiliar longing to stay but part of her knew she must go now. It was time to leave Imladris.

"Be safe." Elrond spoke softly looking in Amalia's eyes before turning to her horse. "Keep her safe, Daewen." The ebony mare snorted in reply with its head dipped. His hand reached up to hers and his eyes once again met her own scarlet ones. Amalia felt the cold of metal running across her fingers. She looked down as his hand left hers slowly to see the intricate gold necklace Elrond almost always wore. The twisted metal was wrapped around itself in the most unusual yet beautiful way.

"Take a piece of Imladris with you. Do not forget you are always welcome." He looked down at the ground in a silent bow and Amalia held back tears. She had never felt so attached to a place before. With trusting movements she leaned down to hug him hoping he would catch her. Amalia was not disappointed, Elrond did catch her as she practically threw herself off her horse.

"Thank you." She whispered without loosening her grip. His embrace gave little comfort to the emptiness in her heart. Rivendell had become a part of her and it saddened her to leave it. Amalia slowly mounted her loyal steed once again before following Elora and her chestnut mare. Her scarlet eyes looked back to Elrond before entering the hidden pass. A tear slid down her cheek as she dawned her hood. It was back to the darkness of the unnamed ranger for her.

Amalia was now the Scarletfox again.

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