I'm A Big Sister & I'll be their Hero?!

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Y/n jumped up and down excitedly beside her family friends the Bakugos on the couch of her family's apartment as Mitsuki put Y/n's h/c hair into cute pigtails.

Mitsuki: "Hold still, N/n." She said sweetly as the little girl was holding her two month old son; Katsuki.

Y/n: "But Auntie, I want to see my baby sibling!" She said excitedly as she nuzzles Katsuki's cheek to her own. "You'll be good friends with then right, Kats?" She asked the baby whom stared at her before the door opened up for the little girl to give Katsuki back to his mother as she ran up to the door with her father Hisashi Midoriya picking her up into his arms and made a quite motion making her zip her lips.

Inko: "Y/n, are you ready to see your baby brother?" She asked tiredly but happy as her little girl smiled widely before the Midoriya family walked into the living room area of the apartment and Hisashi placed his daughter onto the floor.

Y/n: "Mama, let me see him please." She whispered softly with huge puppy eyes making the adults smile and laugh before Inko slowly bent down handing her a tiny bundle as a tiny tuff of fluffy green hair tickled her nose.

Inko: "Y/n, meet your little brother Izuku Midoriya." She said softly as she moved the blanket aside for Y/n to see his face.

Y/n: "Wow, your so tiny and cute like Kats." She whispered softly as Mitsuki gave her Katsuki as well. "Don't worry Izuku, Katsuki, when I grow up I'm going to be your hero okay?" She said to the infants before tiny little fire feathered wings popped out of her back to give the babies a soft glow.

 "Don't worry Izuku, Katsuki, when I grow up I'm going to be your hero okay?" She said to the infants before tiny little fire feathered wings popped out of her back to give the babies a soft glow

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Y/n: "I swear it, Izuku... I'll be your hero"

4 Years Later!

Y/n runs her family home in her black middle school uniform to see her mom playing with Izuku making her smile widely before bracing herself.

Y/n runs her family home in her black middle school uniform to see her mom playing with Izuku making her smile widely before bracing herself

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My Hero Academia x Pro-Hero Y/n Midoriya Where stories live. Discover now