U.A Traitor & the lose of a friend: Sneak Peek

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Heavy Manga Spoilers!

Y/n ie Lady Phoenix ran towards the cries of Mina aka Pinky and Kirishima aka Red Riot as she was healing people left and right from the attack of the league of villians army as she saw Sugar rush and Momo also crying on the ground. The Phoenix heroine was covered in wounds that were not her own as she looked over at the kids.

Y/n: "Kids! I'm here what's wrong?" She asked til Mina hugged her suddenly. "Whoa! Mina, what is..."

Mina: "She's gone! She protected us knowing she wouldn't live through the fight!" She shouted out crying as Y/n looked down at her as Kirishima took her aside.

Y/n walked over towards the area were Momo was crying and passed her young student with wide eyes in shock at what she was seeing. The heroine fell onto her knees looking at the broken body of Nemuri aka Midnight. Slowly a disbelieving laugh slipped through the Phoenix heroine's lips as her students looked at her as her laughter grew echoing throughout the area.

Y/n: "Nemuri, this is isn't funny. Let's heal you up and get back to everyone huh?" She said with a forced smile on her face while her healing tears fell onto the broken body of her friend but she wasn't healing at all. "Nemuri-chan, wake up. Come on, please don't sleep now." She said seriously as she carefully picked up her friends body into her arms while fresh blood began staining her uniform.

Eraserhead, All Might, and many teachers as well students and other heroes walked into the area seeing Y/n holding a broken Nemuri with a forced smile while burning hot tears fell onto the body of Midnight.

Izuku: "Big sister...." He said softly walking towards her until golden lighting surrounded his sister's body.

Y/n: "Wake up, Nemuri!" She shouted out angrily as her wings bursted from her back guarding her and Midnight from everyone. "THIS IS NOT YOUR END!! GOD DAMN IT, DON'T YOU DARE DIE ON ME, DON'T YOU DARE GIVE UP!!!" She shouted out as tears began soaking the ground. "DON'T GO, NEMURI-CHAN, MY BEST FRIEND, MY BIG SISTER, DON'T LEAVE US ALL!!" She cried out before her wings vanished to show the heroine holding Midnight and tears running down her face.

Y/n set Midnight's body onto the ground respectfully before her body combusted into fire and renewed it's self from the ashes with a emotionless face.

Y/n: "Villians..... I'm going to kill all of them...." She whispered softly as Izuku slowly placed his hand onto her shoulder before she slapped it off of her while she stood up looking at everyone. "Find U.A. Traitor. I'll be back." She said with no emotion and hate filled eyes walking pass everyone until Eraserhead and Present Mic stopped her. "Let me through you guys." She said seriously as her former teachers and friends looked at her.

" She said seriously as her former teachers and friends looked at her

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Eraserhead: "Kid, don't do what I think your gonna do. The hero commission..." He was saying until Y/n flipped him onto the ground and round housed kicked Present Mic aside.

Y/n: "I don't care what the hero commission will do to me later on, right now I'm going to avenge my friend's murder!" She shouted out angrily before flying away from everyone and began looking for the villians stragglers.

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