Y/n Midoriya UA Origins

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Y/n stopped at her favorite bakery to get a baker's dozen donuts, donut holes and cupcakes to load on her stamina before going to her UA exam. She sat down in a nearby park's bench near the playground area for kids, she opened up her boxes and took a bite of her stuffed strawberry donut til she heard screams near the streets.

 She sat down in a nearby park's bench near the playground area for kids, she opened up her boxes and took a bite of her stuffed strawberry donut til she heard screams near the streets

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Y/n quickly left her pastries boxes and ran over to the sound to see raging flames as heroes and firefighters surrounded the building. Her green eyes widened drastically at the flames til a crying mother was screaming out her son still being trapped inside. The other heroes couldn't get in with a small entrance that looked like it would soon collapse.

Y/n: "Why, aren't they moving?!" She thought before dropping her school bag onto the street and ran towards the burning building. "I won't let a kid die!"

Endeavor: "Stop that girl!" The flame hero shouted out but the girl dodged the heroes with ease and into the building. "Idiot girl!"

Y/n coughed from the smoke as she waved it away looking around and running throughout the flames calling out for the kid til she heard crying. She ran over to see little kid no older then her little brother with light purple hair trying to get a wooden beam off his ankle.

Y/n: "Hey, hang on there kid!" She said as she began lifting the heavy beam up for the kid to free his leg before she picked him up while the building began groaning heavily. "Hang on tight okay, kid. I'm Y/n Midoriya, but you can call me, big sister. What's your name?" She asked while carefully walking towards the exit.

???: "I'm Hitoshi Shinso, uhm.... are we going to die, Big sister?" He asked while coughing til Y/n handed him her handkerchief to cover his nose and mouth while he held onto her shoulders tightly.

 are we going to die, Big sister?" He asked while coughing til Y/n handed him her handkerchief to cover his nose and mouth while he held onto her shoulders tightly

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