Internships, Stain, and True Heroes

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((Longest Chapter ever!))

In the teacher's offices of UA sat Lady Phoenix aka Y/n Midoriya at her desk while a half white and half red haired teenager sat on the opposite side of her desk. In the heroine's hands was her student's internship offer form as she set it down to look at the young man.

Y/n: "Shoto Todoroki, why exactly do you want to intern with me?" She asked honestly flattered but also confused.

Shoto: "Your a top ranked fire quirk hero, whom actually kicked my old man's ass." He said bluntly while Y/n looked over at him before she bursts out laughing.

Y/n: "Oh God!" She shouted out laughing hysterically before she cleared her throat and calmed herself down. "Ahem, Shoto as I understand, your father even though he is a flaming bag of ----, He has trained you since your quirk manifested as a child. But if you intern with me well things will be different." She said seriously towards her student.

Shoto: He looked up at her emotionless but nodded as Y/n sighed softly before taking out a card and handed it to him.

Y/n: "That's my agency's contact info and my cellphone number." She said seriously before standing up from her desk. "I'll see you soon, peppermint." She said smiling as she ruffled his hair before leaving the room while Shoto fixed his hair.

Shoto: "Strange as Midoriya, himself. But she is stronger than my old man." He said seriously as he looked down at the card in his hands.


Y/n walked into her agency's gym in her workout gear to see Shoto was training but had slight bags under his eyes

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Y/n walked into her agency's gym in her workout gear to see Shoto was training but had slight bags under his eyes. She slowly walked over towards him and grabbed his fist tightly before it hit a sparring dummy.

Y/n: "How long have you been awake, kid. It's only your first few days?" She questioned as her eyes shifted to the clock seeing it was Nine am. "Computer play back the gym security tapes and show me how long Shoto Todoroki was here." She said seriously as a screen appeared in front of them and showed her that Shoto has been training since four am. "Okay.... your benched." She said seriously as Shoto looked up at her with disbelief actually showing up on his face.

Shoto: "Midoriya-sensei, I have a strict schedule at home and..." He started to say til he was suddenly face first against the sparring mat. "Ugh! What the hell are you doing?"

Y/n: "Tired and overtrained heroes are dead ones, kid." She said seriously before pulling him off of the ground and pushed him towards the door gently. "Go get some sleep, and no training today." She said seriously as Shoto looked up at her before swinging his fist at her but she caught it with ease. "Fighting me will not beat him, Kid."

Shoto: "What would you know, your an inferior heroine." He said seriously before he was quickly put into a headlock by Lady Phoenix herself while he grabbed her arm using both his ice and fire on her.

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