Another #1 Broken, and New #1

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As Lady Phoenix watched the police haul Toya away to the max jail while she begins treating and saving innocent civilians beside Recovery Girl as her students watch their teacher's eyes hard as stone yet confident to save all she can.

A few hours later; Y/n Midoriya walked into the hero commission building alongside her fellow heroes for an important meeting.

Her eyes widened in shock and disbelief at what the commission announced to them all, Endeavor was retiring after what was revealed to everyone in the world. Enji was now a broken man, but what shocked Y/n more was who he had named his successor.

Weeks later at U.A. video cameras surrounded the gates to see Nezu addressing all the young hero classes sitting in their seats for graduation for their bravery during the war against Heroes and the League.

Nezu: "Everyone, these children are our future and they all are so strong like all of the previous Number One heroes like All Might, and Endeavor, but you all are motivated by the battle of one teacher, one hero who taught all of you in this crowd." He announced as he stepped aside while steps echoed in the air as cameras filmed who was coming onto the stage dressed in their hero uniform. "Lady Phoenix, the new Number One Hero." He stated proudly as his former students cheered out loud.

Y/n looked over at the crowd with soft yet hard eyes looking directly at the young heroes in the seats before her while she took hold of the microphone.

Lady Phoenix: She took a deep breath and her eyes shifted toward Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto, and many more. "....Being a hero is hard, sometimes you may not save everyone, and the villain could win the fight. I was taught by the greatest heroes, I taught the newest generation of heroes so, I say this...." She said before taking a deep breath and looking aside then looked up sternly. "Tomura Shigaraki, you and your League want a fight then you got it! You all want to destroy the number one hero, then come and get me! No more, attacking the innocents or my family, you damn cowards!" She exclaimed while letting out her wings as the feathers were pure white with flames and surrounded by golden lightning before she flew off into the sky. "Face me instead!" She shouted out while her body was consumed by fire and her body became an actual Phoenix screeching out loud before flying off towards the distance far away from civilization.

Former Class A, B, C, and all taught by Lady Phoenix stood up in shock at her declaration of a battle.

Izuku: "We have to follow her, she can't take them all alone!" He shouted out about to go after his older sister until two strong hands stop him. "Kacchan, Shoto what are you both doing? She needs us!" He shouted out with narrowed eyes til his mom walked toward him and hugged him close crying.

Y/n: "This is the only way, Mom... Katsuki, Shoto I'm counting on you two and everyone to not allow Izuku to follow me. Stand together for me, live for me, and protect everyone." She said to her family and kids while Izuku was with All Might distracting him. "This is the only way, too many have been taken away at least this way I'll live on." She said while watching Izuku smile as he was walking back to her house. "I'm so sorry, Zuku... Live on for me, you'll understand one day why I'm doing this..." She said before walking towards her dresser and took off her advanced hero bracelet setting it aside with a note for Izuku.

Soon, a tidal wave of white fire filled the sky killing all the lower villains as cameras filmed Tomura Shigaraki fighting against Y/n Midoriya surrounded by flames while Izuku fell onto his knees screaming out as Tomura stabbed his sister in the chest as Y/n stabbed a flaming feather directly into Tomura's heart. Tomura's skin was burning while cracks formed around Y/n's skin.

Izuku: "SISTER?!" He shouted out in disbelief. This couldn't be happening, his sister, his personal hero was fighting to the death against a villain. He jumped into the sky and ran off toward his sister's location. "Hold on, I'm coming!" He exclaimed as he arrived to see Tomura falling onto the ground weakly laughing while Y/n fell onto her knees. "NO, Y/N!"

Y/n: She slowly looked over her shoulder to smile weakly toward Izuku and pointed directly at him. "Fight on, Zuku. Fight on, I did what I had to..." She said before coughing up blood and fell down beside Tomura Shigaraki. "This battle between two brothers ends with us." She said while fire surrounds then in a dome to stop Izuku from running over toward her.

Tomura: "Hahaha, you are an insane hero... you'll kill us both to protect those fools?" He questioned while Y/n laughed slightly.

Y/n: "Yup, but at least I'll live on through my kids..." She said while the cracks on her face slowly grow as Tomura touched her cheek. "Maybe one day, things will be different.... No more villains, or heroes just people... I'm so tired..." She said while letting Tomura pull her closer as her body as flames of the dome surrounded them both.

Tomura: "Ha, Sleep then Y/n Midoriya...." He said while closing his eyes as their bodies began to burn into two separate ash piles.

Izuku: "Y/n....." He whispered looking at the ash pile that was once his sister. "Please, don't leave me...." He said as tears filled his eyes when a single Phoenix feather floated down into his hands. "PLEASE!!!" He cried out as the wind began taking feather away til he held it tightly to his heart crying out for his sister to return to him.

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