Yan Zhongli x Reader/// Eyes As Soft As Stone

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Inspired by the myth of Medusa

Being blind was considered a blessing from your god, Chi of Guyun. You wouldn't have to fear turning to stone by Morax's amber eyes. However, the Lord of Geo slaughters your village and deity, leaving you the sole survivor, then whisks you away to his temple.


Warnings: Yandere themes, Implied Sexual Content, Implied Dubious Content, Violence, Mentions of Death, Stockholm Syndrome, Implied Panic Attack, Kidnapping, Half Dragon Zhongli

It was a blessing, they claimed. A gift bestowed by your protector deity, Chi of Guyun. An ability that will keep your bloodline prosperous.

Being blind ensured your survival against the one who turns foes to stone, Morax.

Yet what life is there to live when family and friends have perished from just a meager glance? Perhaps they were too daft, too meddling, too inquisitive. Did they forget how the elders spoke of how curiosity was the one that killed the cat? But then again, they would always laugh and say, "Oh! But satisfaction brought it back!"

They secretly yearned to see those searing eyes that dazzled like amber. Wrongdoing was too mouthwatering.

However, you were the sole exception, but you wished you weren't. For you despised how his muscular chest pressed against your trembling back. How you sat neatly perched on his lap whenever he relaxed on his throne in the temple, listening to his subjects' requests. You could faintly hear and smell how the limestone columns and jade sculptures were bedecked with clinking jewels, flowing silk, and offerings of thoughtful, blooming flowers. The soft sounds like gentle chirps did nothing to pacify your animosity.

He would constantly suppress your remaining senses, making you utterly needy and vulnerable. He turned you into a pliable and desperate little thing. The stench of sweat and blood, his scales and horns that poked marks into your skin left you in tears.

He always liked a good show. You were merely a dolled-up puppet for his entertainment. The long, billowing sleeves of your hanfu embroidered with glaze lilies, selected by him, of course, reminded you of how possibly you were just a way for him to relive past, cherished memories. Days when harmony reigned supreme.

You tried to lash out at him, to refuse the extravagant presents he handed to you, to barely eat the vast platters of delicacies. But it was all futile, for his sultry voice and choking divine presence left you dazed and gasping for air.

"Dear, you always look so ravishing in this state."


The petals from the plains and the rumbles of Mt. Tianheng whispered to the common folk of warring Liyue that the Lord of Geo keeps a sealed arena of statues. A room dedicated to his spoils of war. Each aligned figure being a slain deity that gazed into his igneous eyes and transformed to stone. Their poses differ greatly. Some begging for forgiveness, others ready to unsheathe swords or cast curses, a handful with arms flailing in distress. Yet each statue possesses the same expression, fear yet inspiring awe. Mouth agape but eyes teeming with wonder. A mix of emotions stirring together in a cauldron.

Maybe in those last moments they were genuinely content. Maybe they got their heart's desire. For the victims finally got to see how the conqueror has eyes that glisten like cor lapis under an afternoon sun. However, their short-lived astonishment was cut off by the horrific prickling sensation of organs and skin petrifying. Inch by inch, second by second.

The statues were a sinister warning.

Those who break my contracts shall suffer the wrath of the rock.

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