Yan Xiao x Reader/// The Captive at Wangshu Inn - Part 2

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Summary: You always fantasized about traveling to Liyue because your mother was from there. But after making your first stop at Wangshu Inn and meeting a certain Yaksha, you start to wonder if Liyue is really as you idealized it to be.

Warnings: Yandere themes, Stalking, Verbal/ Racial Harassment (Xiao calls reader mutt,) Gaslighting, Toxic family relations, Suggestive Content, Slight gore, Mentions of Violence, Vulgar language


Guilt devoured your fidgeting brain and heart.

He was right.

You had no place to gawk at an Adeptus like that, let alone the last known surviving Yaksha. How could you, a mere mortal, compare to a robust being that vanished gods alongside Rex Lapis? Euphoria should be overflowing your body! Furthermore, he probably didn't mean what he said. The demon conqueror has roamed the lands for thousands of years. Who were you to judge his more archaic mindset? To him, you were a puny pebble, ready to be tossed haphazardly into the Bishui river.

Regardless, you made up your mind. You will apologize. You didn't want your interactions with an illuminated beast to end on a sour note.

Yes, yes! You will prepare a simple, meaningful gift. But what do the Adepti even like? Rushing excitement de-escalated as you pondered for a few moments. They have no need for sleep. Most don't need to consume anything to keep their bodies fit. They purely don't have any need to participate in such trivial, human matters. Mortals are fickle. An Adeptus is as lasting as stone.

A sigh erupted. You pinched the bridge of your nose. But you started to recall how a kind laugh and hum soothed your fatigue, and a small warning about a certain gentleman on the rooftop terrace echoed in your mind.

I mean, it doesn't hurt to ask.


The lobby is always so warm and welcoming, with Verr Goldet as its heart.

You gently pushed the hardcover, teal tome back into place on the mahogany shelf, and took out a cherished classic instead, Rex Incognito: Volume 1. The noise of the books slackening with the novel's removal was matched with a chuckle.

"I take it you met our resident Yaksha?"

You breathed in and out and replied, albeit with discontent and pursed lips, "I'm not sure if "met" is the right word." You gazed into almond-shaped eyes just below neatly cut bangs.

Her laugh was saturated with amusement. She leaned forward, rested her head on folded fair hands, and stared directly into your eyes. "Well, I daresay that you broke a record. Xiao is quite the recluse." The tuxedo cat with golden eyes leapt from the desk. Porcelain vases quivered from the movement. You took steps towards her reassuring air. "He must've been in a rather good mood to even think about speaking to others."

If I "broke a record," I can't imagine what he has said and done to others...

"I know that look on your face, dear." She stood up slightly and crossed her arms playfully. "I've seen it quite often between couples here at the Inn, usually after a minor altercation. No matter where they visit from, it's always the exact same." The woman with auburn hair then spoke slowly, as if emphasizing every syllable, every letter. "It is the face of guilt. An expression that displays how much you want to atone for your sins."

Heat rushed to your cheeks, and you sheepishly nodded. "I just—"

Her pointer finger met her lip, hushing you like a mother to a babe. "I will say only a few things, so listen carefully. Xiao isn't fond of many things, but he has an affinity towards Almond Tofu and Qingxin. Perhaps his spirit resonates with the flower's solitary nature." Her chestnut eyes softened when she said that. They then trailed up to the decorative map above the mahogany bookcase. "Qingxin can be found on the peaks and cliffs of Liyue's stone forests, such as in Jueyun Karst, home to the Adepti." Her head tilted slightly. Her voice seemed even more melodious. "But that being said... I will suggest going near Mt. Qingce and Wuwang Hill, just above the ruins and village. The climbing isn't as strenuous or dangerous as it is in Minlin—"

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