Yan Kazuha x Reader///Letter to a Peony

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Before fleeing Inazuma, Kazuha finds out that when stripped of one's vision, the user loses their memories and ambition. Thus, he secretly notifies the Tenryou Commission about your whereabouts so that your vision will be taken in hopes that you will become submissive and follow him wholly. This is his letter to you as he thinks about the aftermath.


Warnings: Yandere Themes, Manipulation

My Dear Peony,

Just as a predator patiently stalks their prey, I waited for you.

Though some may say that you are naught but a cocoon now, I can't help but not agree, for I have yearned for you for too long, seeing your helpless spirit certainly rouses mine.

Sweet blossom, no longer will that fiery, unruly nature of yours be an obstacle for our fated love. Too long have you ignored my virtuous calls.

In truth, my mind shakes with guilt at times, for I succumbed to the will of those vile pawns of the Raiden Shogun. Our dear friend was taken from us by the Vision Hunt Decree and was snatched from life's embrace by just one lethal slash.... Well, let's not dwell on the past for too long, for I have you in my arms now.

Did you know I unceasingly criticized the Electro Archon for her venture for eternity, for taking so many hopes and dreams? But seeing you dazed and so utterly tranquil, I believe I truly understand what she is trying to obtain. Perhaps I have even surpassed her. Ah yes, the realization that the wine I am drinking is even more exquisite, that the moon is even more radiant, that the sea is as calm as a pond, that everything is more prosperous tonight because of you is a sort of eternity in its own right. Don't you think? I certainly believe that dearest Captain Beidou will agree. She always tells me how we fit so well together. The bitterly cold Goddess of Love wasn't greedy when she filled us with infatuation.

I fell for you the moment I laid my eyes on your adventurous form. You took some time to match my pace, but all is well now. A push was all you needed.

While your admirable strength and ambition may have faded away into dusk's winds, I can assure you, my love, that everything we will do will spark a new life in you. Courage will return just as red maples come once more every autumn, but this time your passion will be nurtured carefully by me instead of by reckless desires to do as you please.

For too long, my infatuation for your body and mind had festered in me. It burned so intensely that I even feared that I would transform to ashes by mere glances. But even as I pondered for hours on end about you and your sly smirk and craved to touch your bright face, you didn't seem to want me as I wanted you. Was my being too nimble and gentle? Maybe if I were robust and matched your ideals, I wouldn't have had to rely on such drastic measures. However, I was nothing but a fleeting breeze, a brief gust of air to simply fan your vehement flames. You enjoyed our dear friend's company more, he filled your mind with dynamic action, whilst you never bothered to listen to my clever haikus.

I feel no shame for what I did. We can start anew in Liyue, Mondstadt, Fontaine, Sumeru—anywhere. The wind will carry our love.

While I understand your new mind will find each place to be utterly exhilarating and frightful, do not fear my flower as summer's gluttonous glee and heat will waver as days pass. Once more, refreshing chills will rejuvenate our souls. A sea of red will graze the ground. Words won't even be able to capture such ethereal, seasonal beauty.

We shall set aside time to truly appreciate each falling leaf. I can't wait to spend each blissful day with you. Blood rushes to my face just thinking about our future life!

I'm so happy I made you mine.

Perhaps when winter descends, we shall embrace each other near a warm fireplace. But I will be cautious not to let you so close, for you know how much I despise passionate flames.

Eternally Yours,

Kaedehara Kazuha


Thank you for reading!! ❀❀❀



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