Yan Diluc x Reader/// An Intoxicating Tango

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After being tired of your husband's humiliations, you get your revenge by seducing him on the dance floor during the Ragnvindr's Summer Solstice Ball.

warnings: fem reader, yandere themes, possessiveness, jealousy, slight misogyny, implied not sfw content, implied dubious content, very suggestive content, unhealthy/toxic dynamics


The days were waning. The clock was ticking. Each haunting sunrise came sooner. Every needy dawn peeked more and more through the sheer curtains, salivating at your body glistening with a sheen of sweat. That blinding flash of light as the sun stirred was never a glorious experience. Those blistering rays tickled supple skin just as crimson locks did.

Around this time, he would leave a dress hidden in a muslin garment bag hanging on the back of your door. The two weren't so dissimilar. Enigmatic, puzzling, startling. You never knew what was boiling inside the cauldron of his mind until the bubbles emerged. You shuddered.

Nevertheless, it's a reminder, he claimed. That was his go-to answer during this season. Whenever incessant for your affection, he'd litter your neck and back with sizzling kisses. Your pleas and whines of everything being too hot, too stifling as scalding fingers grasped for more fell on deaf ears.

"This is all a reminder that you are mine." Summer was always full of reminders.

However, you had to be on task for the Ragnvindr's Annual Summer Solstice Ball was arriving. As the lady of the manor, it was an expected duty to oversee all the invitations and frilly decorations. But alas, even that was taken from your nimble hold. With gloved fingers, he snatched each responsibility and seared them. It was mortifying when he shunned you from the banquet hall in front of everyone. A blunt mutter that a maiden of your importance shouldn't need to handle such mundane obligations echoed oh-so-lightly.

The only embers that he would bestow were the dress. Perhaps your assignment truly was to solve the mystery behind it. But then again, what choice did you have? Your beloved would often lock you in the master suite and mockingly wear the golden key on his belt.

You knew anything that met your husband's hands would be far from pure; he was far too sinful from all his slaughter. Yet, the frowns, exasperated huffs, and fuming curses that rang in the hall a few hours before the evening dance weren't expected. The fingers that caressed the fabric of his gift didn't belong to an obedient, little wife.

Diluc finally permitted you to unveil his present. A long, burgundy-colored velvet dress with sleeves and just a daring enough slit and neckline. It was a tight fit at your luscious waist and chest.

Surely, your husband wasn't this audacious! For heaven's sake, he chose velvet in these steaming temperatures!

You knew he desired to witness you turn to ashes, to collapse like burning wood and succumb to the weight of his heated touches. That man yearned to observe how you will flush and melt like a docile candle against his fiery embrace.

You puffed your cheeks. If that stupid man wants me to be a candle, then I'll make sure I'm a tallow one!

The gentle yet demanding knocks on the door like needles prickling skin revealed what you would like to call Diluc's spy. Adeline. She was appointed as your lady's maid. You weren't too fond of the woman; her alliance was with the head of the household, not you.

Seated at your wooden vanity, you carefully picked up your cosmetics: the rouge, the perfumes, the mascara, and the lipstick. Eyes shifted to the heirloom jewelry. Rubies were the most common.

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