Spamton- Key To Your HeartShaped Object

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Requested by: PlanetSatnerd

Thanks for the request! :D I hope this was kind of what you were wanting! Now onto the story! (Also I know the title is kinda cheesy, hush child! My title naming skills are trash, I know already- 😝)


You sighed as you marched up the stairs to your apartment floor, feeling the day's stresses weighing on your back. You stepped up the last step, then began walking down the hallway, digging around in your pocket for your keys as you approached the door to your apartment. 

When you stood before the door to your home, your eyebrows furrowed. "Waitaminute..." you grumbled outloud, not feeling the familiar cold metal against your fingers. "Where's my keys? Did I forget them at work?" You ran your hands down your face in exasperation. "Seriously? I just came alllll the way here! There's no way I'm going all that way back!" 

Then, your gaze dropped to a small piece of blue paper on your door. It was at least a couple feet lower than your line of sight, which was why you missed it at first glance. Picking it off the door, you noticed it was actually a sticky note with some writing on it.

Y/N!! Hey!!

Guess what? I stol3 your keys! I"m safely hanging onto them so don't worry about them being l0st in the streets! OK?

Meet me @ the trash can. You know which one. I'll return them there. Trust. Me. Just come.

- Spamton G. Spamton

You looked over the note again. Huh, he has surprisingly good handwriting... you thought, then made a face. Wait, that's not the point!

You groaned loudly. "Spamton! You little gremlin!" you cried, storming back the way you came, recieving many weird looks from your fellow apartment-living people who were coming to and from in the halls. The note was shoved into the pocket your keys were supposed to be in.

Minutes later, you were walking down an all too familiar street. Despite your frustration at your crazy little roommate for stealing your keys, you felt a calm wave of pleasant memories from this street. This was where I first saw him... you thought to yourself in memory. He was being chased right towards me. 

You recalled fondly as the small man had crashed into you, knocking the groceries out of your hands. Before you could have the chance to curse at him, he had scurried to his feet and pleaded you to help hide him. To this day, you weren't sure who was chasing him, or the reason why they were, as the topic was one he seemed reluctant to talk about. 

However, the spot you had both hid was the very alleyway you just turned into. The shadows swallowed you up, and your eyes adjusted to the dimness. "Alright, you goblin, what the h*ll did..." You trailed off, your annoyance being replaced by confusion and shock. "... you do with my keys...?"

There were balloons floating there, as well as some confetti covering the ground in piles like it was leaves. A plastic table (definitely made for kids) with chipped edges sat a distance away from the garbage bin Spamton had originally lived in. On top of the table sat a small but wonderful looking cake. It seemed to be your favorite flavor too.

And of course, Spamton stood atop his garbage bin like a king looking down on his kingdom. "[SURPRISE]! [SURPRISE]!" he exclaimed, jumping down in front of you with his usual wide grin. "You're here! [You've Arrived At Your Final Destination]!"

"What... is all of this?" you breathed, stunned. You looked down at him. "Is this... for me?"

"[We Have A Winner]! Yes! Yes! Of course!" he replied enthusiastically, jumping a little on the spot.

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