Cap'n- Going Out

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Requested by: Kurie_The_Dreamer

Thank you for gifting me the ability to complete the trilogy! 🙏 Now onto the story!


Cap'n stared at his reflection in the mirror, leaning forwards slightly to stare intently at himself. His hands were balled into nervous fists against the countertop. When you had called him asking if he wanted to go out and get candy apples at the new shop in the city, he had happily and eagerly agreed to it... while his limbs had been shaking anxiously so much he almost dropped the phone a few times. 

Now, however, he had been getting ready before being hit with the sharp bolt of realization that he didn't know whether you had meant it like going to hang out or going out... like on a date. The thought of the latter made his insides flip even at just thinking about it.

He dropped his head a bit. "Be cool, play it cool," he sighed to himself in front of the mirror, peering to meet his own eyes overtop of his dark glasses. 

He straightened, clearing his throat and stepping back a little from the mirror. "If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put 'U' and 'I' together." He smirked at the mirror, then he groaned. "Too cheesy, too cheesy!"

"Do I know you? Because you look like my next significant other." Cap'n made a face at himself. "Ick, that just sounds creepy. And it implies I have an ex... which I don't."

"I've seemed to have lost my phone number... Can I have yours?" he attempted, wiggling his eyebrows. After a moment of silence, he blinked in realization. "Wait, I already have their phone number..." He laughed, groaning in agony at the same time. "How else could Y/N have called me earlier?! Argh! Stupiiiid!"

"Hey Cap'n, you okay in there?" called Sweet from outside the bathroom, making Cap'n choke in surprise.

"Yeah, I'm greeeeaaaat!" he replied, laughing weakly as he lay his head and arms on the counter in defeat.

"Alright, if you... say so?" Sweet replied, their footsteps shuffling away.

Cap'n waited until he knew Sweet was definitely gone before trying again, "Are you French? Because Eiffel-" He couldn't even finish his line before laughing hysterically, sliding to the floor and deciding to lay there while wheezing. 

Arms rested on his chest, he stared up at the bathroom light with a small frown on his face. "Guess I'll just... have to make do without any cool pickup lines." He sighed sadly. "Why is this so hard...?" he mumbled softly.

You hummed a song softly to yourself as you waited, sitting on the step of your house. You could see your breath a bit in the air, signalling another chilly day in Cyber City. You clutched a mixtape you were fond of in your bare hands, which were beginning to feel a bit numb from the cold. Where is he? He said he would be driving here... you wondered, hoping Cap'n hadn't forgotten.

Just as you thought this, a car turned onto your street and pulled up at your house. You perked up as Cap'n stepped out. He grinned and gave you a goofy wave. "What's up, Y/N?" he called.

 You giggled and waved wildly back to him. "Hey!" The two of you met each other halfway across the yard. "Cap'n, I didn't know you owned a car!" you began, surprised. You thought he was just planning on picking you up in a taxi.

He smiled. "I don't. But I figured I would rent one for tonight... You know, since it's getting dark and I figured we wouldn't want to wait on a cab, and... yeah." His smile widened at your beaming expression.

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