Jevil- True Freedom

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Requested by: PlanetSatnerd

Thanks for the FINAL REQUEST! :D Now onto the story! 

Also contains a liiittle bit of angsty angst, but don't worry this oneshot is still gonna be cute- Don't you worry, my children- :3 But you may cry. I don't know. I can't cry from fanfics or movies or anything like that. So I don't know how tear ducts work.


You sat in the jailcell, feeling the weight of everything that had happened rushing over you. You didn't know what had come over you to do something so... unlike you. But it had happened, and now it was in the past. It couldn't be undone. You had only been sitting in this cell for a couple days, and yet you already wanted to be out. Of course, nobody would want to be locked up, but you were already missing those closest to you.

Oh gosh, what did they think of you now though?

You sniffled, tears welling up in your eyes and you pulled in your legs against your chest before letting out a previously bottled up sob. You buried your head in your arms, letting out your tears and leaning your side against the bars on the side of your cell as all your emotions came flooding out.

When you were done, something soft patted your shoulder. You looked up, face red and nose snotty. "Here, have a tissue, tissue!" a voice offered, and a mitted hand held out a tissue to you.

You sniffed, taking it from the hand. "Th-Thank you..." you whimpered, dabbing at your eyes and blowing your nose with it. Then, realization sunk in. You stiffened and spun towards where the hand had come from with a scream, moving away from it quickly. 

"Aagh! Please don't scream, scream!" the same voice came again, much louder this time. "That is a sound I do not like to hear, hear!" 

As your racing heart calmed, you noticed how the hand had gotten through. There was a cell next to you, and both sides of your barred prisons overlapped slightly with having a separating barred wall. The hand returned to its owner's cell, and your eyes met a pair of yellow pupils.

"Why were you crying, crying?" the voice, which you connected to being from this figure, asked. "Can't you see you are free, free? That's a good thing! Aren't you lucky?"

You blinked at him. "F-Free...?" you asked him quietly. Then you shook your head. "Uh, who are you?"

"The name's Jevil!" he greeted with a big grin you could now see as your eyes adjusted to looking at him. He seemed to be a jester of some kind, at least formerly. But now, he gripped the bars of his cell in his mitted hands. "It's so good to have someone new, brand new!" 

He let go of the bars and did a little twirl, which brought a little smile to your face. A couple bells rang from his hat at his sudden movements, and you spotted he had a long tail as well, which curled around with him as he twirled. Then he stopped, gripping the bars again. "And yet it seems we are still split apart, apart? Do you need help reaching true FREEDOM, FREEDOM, my friend?"

"Oh, uh... I guess so, yeah," you replied, coming closer to him again. You warily took hold of the bars he was gripping as well. "How do we break these bars?" You pointed to the barred door that kept you inside.

Jevil looked confused. "You... want to be trapped again?" he asked, then laughed. "So funny, funny!" When he saw your saddened expression, he faltered. He then made a bit of a face, humming as he thought. "Do you have a weapon, weapon?" You shook your head. He thought some more. "A crowbar?" Again, you shook your head. "A... pair of unrealistically strong scissors, scissors?"

Now you just squinted at him in confusion. "Huh?"

He giggled. "Just pulling your leg, leg! But you do seem in a pickle. Don't worry, we'll work together to get you out of your jar!"

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