My Secret Love - Part 1

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Mikazuki swept the windowed corridor of his Master's home for the fifth time. He was trying to look busy while secretly watching Kogitsune battle Mitsutada in the street below. The two males had been at it for almost an hour, and since neither of them looked ready to give in, there was no telling who'd be the victor.

Kogitsune had stripped off his top; no doubt for the benefit of all the females who'd gathered to watch, and even from Mikazuki's position, he could see the sweat glistening off the male's rippling muscles. Kogitsune's waist length white hair was pulled back with a strap of black cloth, and the look in his crimson gaze was positively feral. He was the embodiment of masculinity; all wild passion and tempered ferocity.

Mikazuki gripped the broom handle tightly as his eyes traced each and every line of Kogitsune's towering frame. To call the man's physique "impressive" would the understatement of the century. He was literally a wall of muscle; lean and toned from the top of his head down to the soles of his feet. Mikazuki's hands ached with need; desperate to run his fingertips over every inch of Kogitsune's sun-kissed flesh...

"See something you like?"

Mikazuki nearly jumped out of his skin, sending the broom soaring through the air and clattering to the ground.

"Geez, Tsuru-chan, you nearly gave me a heart attack!"

Tsurumaru giggled mischievously; his amber eyes alight with amusement. "You're so easily distracted, Mika-chan, it's almost shameful!"

"I wasn't distracted," he replied, straightening his ruffled clothing. "I was focused on my chores is all."

"Riiiiight," Tsurumaru said, picking up the broom and handing it back to him. "And do those chores include drooling over Kogi-kun like a lovesick puppy?"

"I was not drooling!" Mikazuki hissed, snatching back the broom. "And I'm certainly not lovesick over Kogitsune! I mean, he's hardly my type."

Tsurumaru snorted. "He's everyone's type. You'd be hard-pressed to find someone within a hundred miles who doesn't want to bang him. Male or female."

Mikazuki sniffed indignantly. "Well, I'm certainly not one of them. In fact, I find him decidedly unimpressive. He's loud, and crass, and... and..."

"And sexy as hell," Tsurumaru added, wriggling his eyebrows. "I can see right through you, Mika-chan. The more you try to hide it, the more obvious it is."

"I don't know what you're talking about," he replied, sweeping the floor with such vigor he nearly broke the broom.

"Would it help if I talked to him for you?" Tsurumaru suggested. "I'm quite the matchmaker, if I do say so myself. I'd be more than happy to..."

Mikazuki snatched him up by the collar, staring down at the male with quiet rage. "Say anything and I'll slit your throat in your sleep. Understand?"

Tsurumaru lifted his hands in surrender. "Ok, ok, I won't say anything. I was only trying to help, you know?"

"There's nothing for you to help with," Mikazuki replied, releasing him. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to finish my chores in peace."

"Fine, I'll meet you for dinner then."

Tsurumaru didn't wait for a reply, skipping down the hall towards the kitchen. Mikazuki sighed heavily, waiting for the male to skip out of sight before turning back to watch the fight. Unfortunately, the street had cleared and Kogitsune was nowhere to be seen.

Mikazuki huffed angrily, marching toward his room with the broom still in hand. He had finished his chores hours ago, and with the sword fight now over, there was no point in keeping up the charade. He stored his cleaning supplies in the closet then gathered his things to take a bath.

My Secret Love: Kogitsune X Mikazuki (Touken Ranbu)Where stories live. Discover now