My Secret Love - Part 5

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Kogitsune opened his eyes, staring up at Yoshi's shocked face.

"Holy crap, you're alive!" Yoshi breathed.

"Give him some space," Izumino said, shoving Yoshi out of the way. "Welcome back, Kogi. How're you feeling?"

"Sore," Kogitsune groaned, sitting up on the bed. "Where am I?"

"One of the healing rooms," Izumino replied, looking nervously at the other Swords. "You've been here for about three days. You see, you've been kind of... well, dead."


"As a door nail," Yoshi added.

"You scared the shit out of us by the way!" Mitsutada cursed, stepping up behind Izumino. "I specifically told you not to die! And what do you do? DIE!"

"Calm down, Mitsu-kun," Yoshi chuckled. "It's not his fault he got stabbed, died, went to the realm between realms, and then rose from the dead. Right, Kogi-san?"

Kogitsune blinked. "I-I'm sorry, what?"

"I think he's confused enough," Izumino interjected, addressing the other Swords. "Let's not overwhelm him." He turned back to Kogitsune. "Don't worry; Saniwa-sama will be here soon. He'll explain everything, I promise. For now, you should take it easy. As soon as the Healer is finished with Jiji, he's going to give you the once over."

"Mikazuki," Kogitsune breathed. "Where is he?"

"He's next door," Yoshi replied. "He woke up before you did, so the Healer is checking him out first."

"Brave Sword that Jiji," Yamanbagiri remarked, speaking for the first time. He pushed off the wall he was leaning against and joined them by the bed. "To risk death to save his comrade, it's admirable. I'm honored to call him friend and ally."

"He's a bloody fool if you ask me," Mitsutada snickered. "What if he hadn't found this suicidal idiot?" he asked, gesturing to Kogitsune. "We would've had two dead Swords instead one!"

"True," Yamanbagiri replied. "But now we have no dead Swords. I say we forget about the 'what ifs' and be thankful our comrades have returned to us alive and well."

Mitsutada snorted indignantly, but made no reply.

"Don't mind, Mitsu-kun," Izumino said, throwing a smile at Kogitsune. "He's only pretending to be a jerk because he was so worried. We all were. Things were starting to look pretty bleak."

"So... I died," Kogitsune said, running a hand through his hair. "That would actually explain a lot."

"Does that mean you remember what happened to you?" Yamanbagiri asked, curiosity burning in his eyes. "How you died and where you went?"

"Umm, I remember being wounded," Kogitsune replied, straining to recall what details he could. "I remember hearing your voice, Yamanbagiri, then seeing Master running towards me. After that, things get fuzzy. But I do remember the, what did you call it? The realm between realms?"

"Yep," Yoshi answered. "According to Dahlia-sama, that's where your soul went. Hell, I didn't even know we had souls until all this happened."

"Dahlia-sama," Kogitsune said, surprised to hear the woman's name. "What's that witch got to do with this?"

Yoshi patted Kogitsune on the shoulder. "Let's just say you've missed a lot."

"Well, when you feel up to it," Yamanbagiri said, "I'd like to hear about your travels. I knew such a place existed, but there are no records of anyone surviving a trip there and back. At least none that I've seen."

My Secret Love: Kogitsune X Mikazuki (Touken Ranbu)Where stories live. Discover now