My Secret Love - Part 3

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Yamanbagiri escorted Mikazuki back to his room. The male insisted on staying, but after assuring Yamanbagiri that rest was all he needed, Mikazuki was finally able to convince him to go help with the returning Swords.

Mikazuki crawled onto his bed, grabbing the nearest pillow and hugging it tightly. He couldn't shake the sickening sense of dread clinging to his spirit. According to Yoshi, Kogitsune had ordered his company of Swords to return home without him, remaining behind to warn Saniwa-sama of an enemy hoard heading his way.

Mikazuki wanted to believe Kogitsune was safe; that he was alive and well and on his way home after a victorious battle alongside their Master, but the shadow of doubt clawing at his mind snuffed out what little hope he'd managed to salvage. His heart knew the truth: Kogitsune was in grave danger.

He rolled to his side, burying his face in the pillow clutched tightly to his chest. He couldn't stop the flood of tears, so instead he muffled his heart-wrenching sobs with the feather-stuffed pillow...

It would be several hours before Mikazuki managed to drag himself from his bed. He walked over to the large bowl by the window, picking up the pitcher of warm water and pouring it into the porcelain basin. He washed the dried tears from his face, grabbing the towel folded neatly on the counter when he was finished.

Mikazuki examined his face in the mirror; bloodshot eyes staring back at him. He pressed his hand to the glass, fighting to stave off another round of tears. Closing his eyes, he took several calming breaths, deciding then that he wasn't ready to face the world just yet. It would be morning soon, perhaps then he'd be ready. If he was lucky, Kogitsune would return safe and sound, and all this would be nothing more than a bad dream.

He was on the way back to his bed when a flash of soft light caught his eye. He glanced over at the entrance to his room, stumbling back in surprise by what he saw.

A large white fox, as tall as Mikazuki's waist, stared at him with glowing red eyes. It stood before him confident and strong, radiating immense power along with the soft white glow that enveloped it.

The fox took a step forward. Mikazuki took a step back. The fox's red eyes narrowed, its head cocking to the side and regarding him intently. A shiver ran through Mikazuki's body; the animal's fiery gaze so intelligent and humanlike, Mikazuki couldn't help but be afraid.

The animal stomped its right paw; the symbol centered in the middle of its forehead flashing white hot. Mikazuki swallowed nervously, his eyes flitting from the fox, to his sword, and then back again. He wondered if he could get to his blade before the fox got to him.

Immediately, the fox moved to stand between Mikazuki and the sword, its crimson gaze turning from thoughtful to challenging.

"What are you?" Mikazuki asked; his voice holding more confidence than he felt. "Why are you here?"

The symbol on the fox's brow burned brightly again, followed by a high-pitched whine that threatened to explode Mikazuki's eardrums. His hands flew to his ears, trying to block out the shrill sound.

"STOP!" Mikazuki cried; squeezing his eyes shut. "PLEASE, STOP!"

Just like that, the horrible noise stopped. Mikazuki opened his eyes, looking to where the fox once stood and frowning when it was nowhere to be found. As he searched the room, he noticed the soft white glow peaking in from under the door. He walked cautiously towards the light, placing his hand on the knob and pulling open the door.

There stood the fox, its powerful form standing stiffly in the center of the hall. It glanced over at Mikazuki then started slowly down the long corridor. Against his better judgment, Mikazuki followed after the animal. Expecting to find it only a few feet away, he gasped when he realized it had reached the end of the hall in a matter of seconds.

My Secret Love: Kogitsune X Mikazuki (Touken Ranbu)Where stories live. Discover now