My Secret Love - Part 6

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11 months, 1 week, 6 days, 8 hours, 37 minutes and 41 seconds later...

He could finally breathe. A small success some might say, but for Kogitsune it was the start of a new beginning. Yes, he still woke up every morning filled with unimaginable sorrow, and yes, there were moments when the pain was so unbearable, all he could do was find a quiet place to curl up and cry.

But as the days passed, the tears came less and less. And though the sorrow would be forever rooted in his soul, Kogitsune found solace wherever and whenever he could. In the time he'd spent with Dahlia, he'd learned that each and every breath was a blessing. He still remembered the day he'd arrived at her home. She'd said to him, "Even in our darkest moment there is still light, a reason to live and carry on. Find your light, Kogi-kun. Find it and live until you feel alive again."

And so Kogitsune lived. Each day he found a reason to keep going. The reasons were small and seemingly inconsequential. Like, promising one of Dahlia's Swords an afternoon spar, or finishing his chores early so he could watch the sunset from the small balcony outside his room. But as small and inconsequential as these reasons seemed, they were all Kogitsune had. Well, maybe not all he had...

Dahlia had become a necessary part of Kogitsune's life. She was constant and unwavering in her support, giving him hope that each tomorrow would be a better day. It was an unconventional relationship since Dahlia wasn't Kogitsune's Saniwa sage, but during his time there he served her faithfully. They'd settled into their temporary life together with remarkable ease; two tortured souls finding solace in their shared misery. And as they approached their year mark together, Kogitsune wasn't sure if he'd ever go back to his old life...

"Kogi-kun," Dahlia called, peaking into the room. "Would you be a doll and run to the market for me? I found a new recipe I'd like to try. It's a bit more exotic than we're used to, but if we're lucky, we'll dine like royalty tonight."

Kogitsune couldn't help but laugh. Dahlia was constantly taking on new and interesting hobbies. This month was cooking foreign and colorful foods. Considering how much Kogitsune loved to eat, he was more than happy to support her new diversion.

"What's so funny?" Dahlia asked, stepping into the room.

"Nothing really," he replied, getting up from the dining room table. "I guess I'm still having a hard time seeing you in the kitchen."

She pinned him with a playfully stern look. "I'll have you know, I'm a fabulous chef! I used to cook for your Master all the time. I would do it more often, but then what would our chef do?"

"God forbid you put the poor woman out of a job," he chuckled, walking over to take the grocery list from Dahlia's hand.

"I think she's enjoying the break," Dahlia winked. "She just sits in the corner of the kitchen and knits, watching me in amusement. She even gave me a compliment yesterday. She said my lobster and shrimp bisque was the best she'd ever tasted." Dahlia frowned thoughtfully. "Although, I'm pretty sure it's the first time she's ever tasted lobster and shrimp bisque, so I don't suppose compliment really counts."

Kogitsune patted, Dahlia on the head. "Well, I thought it was delicious," he said. "And I can't wait to taste what you whip up tonight."

Before he turned to leave, Dahlia caught his arm.

"It's good to see you smile," she said, tugging a strand of his long white hair.

He nodded shyly, too embarrassed to reply. Dahlia tried not to press Kogitsune for details on how he was coping, but she was sharp as a tack, and she could tell he was on the road to a better place, emotionally and mentally.

My Secret Love: Kogitsune X Mikazuki (Touken Ranbu)Where stories live. Discover now