My Secret Love - Part 4

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Mikazuki opened his eyes, lifting his arm to block out the sunlight. He was lying on the ground, tiny rocks poking him through the fabric of his clothes. He sat up, taking in his surroundings.

He was in the middle of a small clearing, surrounded by the skeletons of trees long dead. Their ghostly white branches reached towards a sky tinted a strange sort of purplish grey. The sun was rising in the distance, but it lacked the brilliance it usually held. In fact, everything around Mikazuki appeared... faded. Like a shirt washed too many times, the scenery looked dull and lifeless; a dark reflection of a world that once held untold beauty and vibrant color.

Mikazuki eyes scanned the immediate area, searching out any possible threats. It was unnaturally quiet, as if all signs of life had been snuffed out like a candle in the wind. Instinctively he reached for his sword, relieved to find his and Kogitsunemaru's tucked safely at his side.

Climbing to his feet, he brushed the dirt and rocks from his clothes, gasping soflty when he looked down at his hands. He held both of them up, turning them over to examine them more closely. He was... glowing. Like there was a light burning brightly from within him. And unlike the rest of his surroundings, his clothes still held their vibrant color.

"You ain't suppos'ta be here," a voice said behind him.

Mikazuki spun around, his sword in his hand before he completed the turn. He was poised to strike, every muscle in his body coiled tightly.

Before him stood a boy no older than ten or eleven; his white hair so long it brushed the ground. He was barefoot, but it didn't appear he needed shoes since he was currently hovering several inches off the ground. The tall white ears atop the boy's head twitched absently, while his long puffy tail swayed lazily from side to side. Glowing red eyes regarded Mikazuki carefully; so familiar they sent a shiver down his spine. Mikazuki lowered his blade, struck utterly speechless.

He stared at the boy. The boy stared back.

"Y-you..." Mikazuki breathed, his hand trembling as he sheathed his blade. "I-it can't be,"

The boy's lovely face broke into a wide smile, putting his sharp fangs on display. He sprang forward, the tip of his right foot touching the ground for the briefest of seconds. He threw himself into Mikazuki's arms, nearly sending them both tumbling to the ground.

"I can finally touch you!" the boy squealed, snuggling into Mikazuki's embrace. "You smell so good! Like... like home!"

Mikazuki didn't know what to say or do. They boy in his arms was the spitting image of Kogitsune, right down to the clothes he wore. Or rather, he looked like Kogitsune would if he were an adolescent boy.

"You wasn't suppos'ta come here," the boy said, looking up at Mikazuki with a worried expression. "It's dangerous."

Mikazuki stared down at the boy; his heart suddenly filled with such love he could hardly stand it. He knew exactly who the boy was. Mikazuki brushed the hair from over the child's worried gaze.

"You're my little fox, aren't you?"

The boy smiled again, squeezing Mikazuki even more tightly. "I knew you'd recognize me," he answered excitedly. "I wanted'ta talk to you, and touch you, and hug you when we was in your world, but it's not allowed."

"Why not?"

"Them is just the rules," the boy said, shrugging his shoulders. "I tried to talk you that one time, but you said to stop."

Mikazuki thought back their first encounter in his bedroom. "I see," he replied, remembering the ear-splitting noise. "I think you're right, talking is definitely not allowed."

My Secret Love: Kogitsune X Mikazuki (Touken Ranbu)Where stories live. Discover now