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- N I A L L -

He pushes away his breakfast and stares out the train window. The trees and ground fly past his eyes, mixing green and brown into a murky, dizzying sea of color that makes him nauseated. The brown reminds him of the brunette vixen that his mind keeps jumping to whenever he sees anything faintly related to her.

Of course, it doesn't help that every single magazine in Britain is obsessed with her. Two weeks since she left, he reminds himself, grasping the wooden table hard enough to make his knuckles turn white. He wonders what she's doing. Is she snogging her model-looking friend, Zayn? Is she shagging that Harry lad again? Is she alright? Is she thinking about him? Feeling sick, he shakes his head and sifts his blonde hair through his fingers.

The compartment door slides open and Gillian sits down beside him. "Here's the spread and the cover story for the Vanity Fair article. Anna wants me to have you approve it before we officially sign it."

He nods silently and takes the file from her hand. "Thank you Gillian, that will be all." He sets the file on the table and watches the window with a brooding expression. What if she's lying in that Harry's bed right now--

"Still thinking of her?" Gillian asks out of the blue. Niall's face pales and he takes a deep breath. He reaches for her hand and pulls her close. She smells like expensive perfume and lots of shampoo.

He gives her his signature smirk, trying to shake those thoughts of El--her--out of his head. "Now, why would I be thinking of her when I have you, darling?" Gillian brightens under his manufactured compliment. But she doesn't blush. El--she--would have blushed. He pulls her into his lap, begging for time to tick by faster as he presses his lip to her neck. "This train ride is awfully long, don't you think?"

She nods eagerly, her hands latching to his belt immediately. She would never have been so forward. He grimaces in pain, but disguises it as a grin when Gillian grins up at him, taking him without even the slightest teasing or hesistance. He reaches for his tumbler of the train's finest cognac, watching the ceiling as he tries to feel anything other than loss. He undresses Gillian methodically, with skilled quickness and strategical ease. He removes her expensive La Perla underwear with steady surgeon hands. She's on him in an instant, and he pours himself another glass of cognac, making the appropriate grunts and groans when neccesary. She moans and screams loudly, as if wanting the whole world to know what they're doing. The cognac flushes a wave of regret down his throat with a slight stinging, and she moans again--even louder, before crawling off him and redressing without any shyness.

"See you in a few hours," she murmurs as she leaves him, kissing his cheek and then ducking out. As soon as she's gone he reaches back for the article he'd been reading before she'd come in.

Elouise Watson--Miss Soon-to-be-Horan No More!

As long as you haven't been living under a rock, then you know (probably too much) about NYC Tycoon Niall Horan and quiet Girl-Next-Door Elouise Watson's whirlwind relationship.

We were just getting caught up in the glitz and glamour of it--private restaurant dates in cozy, secretive New York City cafes--weekend trips to the Gatsby mansion--who can forget the Met Gala?--when we found some devestating photos of Mr. Horan kissing another girl and a rather public brawl between the two iconic lovers.

Then came the photos of Watson and an unnamed friend at the Charles de Gualle Aeroport two days ago. While nothing official has been said by either Watson nor Horan--it's pretty clear that the real life Romeo and Juliet are over.

To further prove my point, Mr. Horan has been photographed partying and dancing with the same unknown girl he was pictured kissing in Paris, while Miss Watson has been photographed with some old pals, one of being indie-rock singer Harry Styles, with whom the young American has an interesting history with. The other male figure she she is regularly seen with is New York Club owner Zayn Malik, who Miss Watson is known to share a flat with. While it has always seemed platonic between Watson and Malik, maybe the distance from Horan will give the two best friends the opportunity to begin something new!

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